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SamZi samkurd

Zareian Studio

YaoMr yhf98

undefined Moon

ME brionwolf
Interactive Art, Design, and Education

@UMD-Digital Washington DC Metro Area

Jean-Baptiste Lamare jblamare
AI Scientist in DL & NLP

Covera Health New York

Murad Gahramanov knvmrt
Full-Stack Developer (C#) | Open Source Project Creator | GitHub Documentation Manager

Azerbaijan / Baku

Neal King knealking

San Francisco

Houssem MENHOUR husmen
Computer Vision Engineer | C/C++ | Python | C#

Detection Technology Oulu, Finland

Jay jamieduk
Join the


logia timvuon
mathematical logical

viet nam

Sreenivas Sagili Sreenivas-Reddy-S
🚀 Full-Stack Dev | AI/ML Explorer Building with Java, React, and Flask. Making data magic with MySQL & NoSQL. Deep diving into Deep Learning and Neural Nets.

New York

jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Czech Republic, Prague

Theory yourTextview.setText(R.string.Theory);


Crypto Mickey mickey0511
Fullstack and BlockChain developer
Eddington Chamunorwa dittonedo45
Software Engineer.

@jazzband Zimbabwe, Harare

Shawn Bretthauer shawnb00134
Returning to school at University of West Georgia for a B.S. in Computer Science. I do love games.


Shahed Shah tikkatek
Web developer, trainer


Steve Repsher steverep
Aerodynamics pro, accessibility enthusiast, computer whiz, and mutant with undiscovered superpowers

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Gene Semerenko genesem
Hacking in go, typescript, python. Devops: k8s. In passion with jamstack. 🇹🇭 atm.


Umair laumair

MediaMarktSaturn Germany

Jordi Garcia Castillon gcjordi
AI, CyberSecurity. AWS. Awarded by SAS my AI Cancer - INCIBE my CyberSecurity system - PRO AWS ML. Businessman. Independent Consultant. AI Brains Builder.

@eHealthAI @CiberTECCH Catalonia