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Mykel Loren Brinkerhoff mylbrinkerhoff
Linguistics Ph.D. student at UC Santa Cruz
Schaudge Schaudge

Shanghai, PRC

Francisco Cardozo focardozom
Psychologists. Student at University of Miami.

University of Miami Miami, Florida. USA

David Manning David-Manning
Data scientist and statistician. All work on this server is for my own personal projects. All views are my own.

Lincolnshire, UK

Aku von Bell Akuleo
I'm a social psychologist interested in coding and data analysis

Tilastokeskus Helsinki

Mónica Gómez-Vadillo mgomezv26
PhD Student at National Museum of Natural Sciences - CSIC, studying species niches and interspecies interactions at macorecological scales

Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales - CSIC Madrid, Spain

Friederike Johanna Rosa Wölke FriedaRosa
MSc Biodiversity, Ecology & Evolution, PhD student in Macroecology & Spacial Science @ CZU Prague

FZP-CZU, Prague, CZ Prague, Czechia

Cecilia Baldoni cecibaldoni
I am a behavioural ecologist, interested in how environment and brain structures shape cognitive flexibility.

Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior Konstanz, Germany

Esperanza Badaya erbadaya
I like to do stuff. Some days that's all I do. Currently doing stuff @ Ghent University

Ghent University Ghent

Phuong Linh LinhLTP
Linh is a PhD student at University of Glasgow, UK
Heinz-Alexander Fuetterer afuetterer
Research Software Engineer

WZB Berlin Social Science Center Berlin, Germany

Anthony Rebours anthonyrebours
Bibliometric analyst at Sorbonne Université

Sorbonne Université Paris, France

Air Forbes heyairf

University of Alberta Edmonton, AB

Amanda French amandafrench
ROR Technical Community Manager, PhD in English lit, digital humanist.

Crossref North Carolina

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Mashel Odera iamMashel
Data Analyst | SQL | Python | R | I write tight, sleek, performant, low-overhead code. Decentralized. Making servers obsolete.

New York, New York

itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Federico Blasi blasif

Zurich, Switzerland

Sam Kim samkimhis

Gilead Sciences, Inc.

Aburrá Space aburraspace
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Daniel dwinkler1
I am not a cat

@WU-RDS Vienna

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Abhilekh Kalita abhikal
Python developer and ML/AI enthusiast. Also Software tester. Now learning Deep Learning, LLM and Web3


Maciej Beręsewicz BERENZ
Statistican, Non-probability samples, R programming

Poznan University of Economics and Business Poznań, Poland

Kevin Navarrete-Parra KevinNavarreteParra
Kevin Navarrete is a Ph.D. student at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He studies international relations and political theory.

University of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas

Evelyn Roach evelyn-roach
Senior Data Analyst @ IDEXX | MPH and MSW from WashU | Biopsychology Undergrad at Tufts