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Shabana Hoosein shoosein219
Microbiome data scientist with a love for open source and syntrophy in microbiomes


Shipei Xing Philipbear
Mass spectrometry informatics, Metabolomics, Analytical chemistry

University of California San Diego San Diego

Hadir Garcia hadirgax
I'm thinking about data science, web engineering, and supply chain optimization.


Knut Sebastian Tungland stunglan
Advisor, technologist, software engineer and architect within the energy industry at Equinor. Code hobbyist and maker enthusiast at home.

@Equinor Stavanger, Norway

Alma Hernández de Rojas AHdeRojas

NC Spanish Institute of Oceanography - Oceanographic Center of Gijon Gijón - Spain

Mohamed Said Ahmed AboHoussien Mohamed-S-AboHoussien
Bioinformatician of Metagenomics science

Galala University Giza, Egypt

Michal Ziemski misialq

ETH Zürich Zurich

Lina Kim lina-kim
Playing with sequencing data and algorithms to solve biological questions.

ETH Zürich Zürich, Switzerland

Dane ddeemerpurdue
Computational Biologist at Purdue University & Owner of Liminal Inc

Purdue University

Haotian Zheng marveloushaotian
Ph.D. Fellow at @microUCPH. Find Novel Defense Systems in Plasmids.

University of Copenhagen Copenhagen

A researcher in plant pathogens sphere exploring data science and modelling

Melbourne, Victoria

Kozo Nishida kozo2
PyData Osaka organizer, Bioconductor Community Advisory Board, Software Carpentry Japanese Team

Tokyo, Japan

Durrah Khan mrbaloch555
Software Engineer, Love Problem Solving!!!


Manuel Alain Ramírez Sáenz mramirezs
Father, Biologist, Geneticist, Bioinformatician, and Apex Legends player.

Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas y Medioambientales Lima, PERU

Conrad conradma123
I enjoy ecology, evolution, genetics, and conservation.

Stockholm University Uppsala, Sweden

Adrià Mitjavila Ventura amitjavilaventura
Bioinformatician currently working in the Regulatory Genomics group of the Josep Carreras Research Institute.

Institut Josep Carreras Badalona

卢倬达 shihuda


Jessica L. Hill jesshill

colorado state university Fort Collins, Colorado

Uma umesmcgoomes
Current Master's Student at Penn State in the Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology Department.

Pennsylvania State University

CJRoyer royercj
Graduate of the Master's of Bioinformatics program at Georgia Tech. Interested in bioinformatics engineering and development.
William McCann wmsci
PhD Student in Computational Biology at Queen's University Belfast. Interested in unconventional cancer antigens.

QUB + @AilseBio Belfast, Northern Ireland

Dorsa Daeizadeh dorsad
Ph.D. Student of Biological Design at Arizona State University

Arizona State University Tempe, AZ

Chloe Herman cherman2
Bioinformatics Ph.D. Candidate at Northern Arizona University.
Miao Li limiao0417

Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS Kunming