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Dmitri Zaitsev dmitriz
Professor of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

Trinity College Dublin Dublin, Ireland

Lester Sanchez lesandiz
Software Engineer


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Claudio Geraci 3xl

Deliveristo Italy, Palermo

Marco Link marcolink
i do code

Contentful Berlin

João Pedro Barros jpcbarros
Full-Stack Developer currently building the platform for a new energy world at epilot.

@epilot-dev Portugal

stephen-shopopop stephen-shopopop
#Engineers software #nodejs #typescript #deno #golang


Ernesto Resende ernestoresende
Fullstack Software Engineer from Brazil. Building (and occasionally designing) digital experiences.

@epilot-dev @docsyncapp Brazil

Jonas Strassel boredland

@playt-net Frankfurt/Germany

Ben Hayden deybhayden
☁️ Developer

@SurtonInc Springfield, MO, USA

Julian juliangoetze

saasmetrix Cologne, Germany

Armel Soro rm3l
Open-Source and Distributed Systems Enthusiast. Working at @RedHatOfficial

Red Hat Lyon, France

Raul Rosa raulvictorrosa
Front-End Developer • JavaScript • TypeScript • React Developer • NextJS

@Bosch Lisbon, PT

Inayet Hadi inayet
Exciting times where tech is at your finger tips, apis, webhooks, llm, learn and share, being thankful

Dreams API Denver, CO

Derrick Petzold dpetzold
AWS, Python, Terraform

StateLess, LLC Reno, Nevada

Naldo Wang uestcNaldo

Chengdu, Sichuan, China

Kerem Nalbant keremnalbant
Senior Software Engineer at @epilot-dev

@epilot-dev Cologne, Germany

Conrad Hodge conradhodge
Software Engineer


Shanna shannawalsh
Brushing up on version control, CSS, responsive design, and JavaScript skills. I'm also excited to learn React, Angular, Python, TypeScript & GenAI.


Kevin Lu kevinlul
To what lays beyond understanding in the darkness / Both you and I kneel before it


Peter Golm pgolm

Hamburg, Germany

Daniel Starns danstarns
Working with people and companies in open source.


Amrith Nayak amrith92

thegeekmachine Chennai, India

wriver4 wriver4

whizBANG! Developers Petersburg,VA

Satyaakam Goswami satyaakam
learning and living India

Chris Witko chriswitko
Full Stack Developer. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone — Neale Donald Walsh


Stuart Ingram singram

UPMC Enterprises Pittsburgh

Ann Cascarano redrambles
Full Stack Developer / Frequently bursts into song

@shopify Montreal, Quebec

Theo Gravity theogravity
Sr. Eng @ I love working in Javascript / node.js!

@airtop-ai San Jose, CA