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Ekrem Turan Fırat ekremturanfirat
Power Electronic Design Engineer Candidate

@odtu Power Lab | @mergenelk Ankara, Türkiye

Ahmet ÇİTAK citax
Robotics and AI lover. Electronics and Software engineer.


Ozan K ozank
Commit or it didn't happen! Professor in @odtu

ODTÜ (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi) Ankara, Turkey

Computer Vision Engineer at Rapsodo


Fatih Erden FatihErdenMETU
Research Asisstant at METU

Middle East Technical University Ankara Turkey

Mohammad Derogarian MDerogarian
Power Electronics Student.

Middle East Technical University-METU PowerLab

ALC alc999
Power and Energy


EMRE MUTLU emremutlu08
Here is my skillset: - React | Redux - NodeJS | ExpressJS | NestJS - HTML5 | CSS3 | SCSS | Bootstrap | TailwindCSS - MySQL | MongoDB - PSD to HTML


Eren Berikai
Can you prove anything exists outside your own mind?

Izmir University of Economics İzmir

Fatemeh Sarasir FatemehSarasir
biomedical engineer @odtu ANKARA
Shovan Saha ShovanSaha2020
Learning C++ nowadays. I will upload projects soon.
Sevcan Doğruyol sevcand
QA Tester / Aspiring Developer / Proud to be one of the graduates of the first-ever Google Game and Application Academy.

Ankara, Turkey