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Luis Miguel Sánchez LuisMiSanVe
🇪🇸 💻 Spanish Fullstack Developer

ADV SI Spain

Benjamin Nomine benomine
Français expatrié au Canada, développeur dotnet

Banque Nationale Canada

Cecil Phillip cecilphillip
.NET Developer, Podcaster, Teacher, Swimmer, & Music Lover. Born and Raised in Antigua

@stripe Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Rafael da Silva Fernandes RafaelxFernandes
Passionate about Data Science, Software Development, and Innovative Solutions | Software Engineer @INGEN-S-r-l

@INGEN-S-r-l Piemonte, Italia

Carlo soycarlo99
"If I had more time, I would have written shorter code" \n - Albert Einstein
Fernando Bernardi Lucas FernandoBernardi
Software Engineer Contact me at [email protected]

Digisat Tecnologia LTDA Brazil

Amir Parcheko ParcheKo
A programming enthusiast with Mechatronics engineering background, finally got hands dirty in web technologies!

Tehran, Iran

Jack White Jaxter
Self-taught programmer and game dev hobbyist

@resellersroom United Kingdom

OkyanusSoft OkyanusSoft
Okyanus Soft, was formed by a group of professional IT individuals to be the leading full Technology solutions and software.

Okyanus Soft Yemen,Sanaa

Qin Guan qin-guan

@opengovsg Singapore

Ryota Funaki ryotafunaki
Freelance, Full-Stack Developer, DevOps Engineer

@rfull-development Japan

予纾 Yushu2606
Stay curious: 好奇心を持ち续けてる

@SourceZoneDev @DerakkumaDev @Hosihikari 青岛

Michel Schep michelschep
.Net Developer | C# | Back end | Astronomy | Chess | Sport | Travel | Reading

@vitasit Netherlands

Victor TempestRules
Software Engineer


Ahmed Kabbary AhmedKabbary
Software Engineer

Alexandria, Egypt

treecko treecko16
Budding professional with the capability to quickly understand and improve complex systems. Seeking an entry-level position in computer engineering.