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Luigi Menale lmenale

world wide citizen

huaydin hu8813
I am nobody. Nobody is perfect!

Vienna, Austria

♥ 🦕 🥟 🦀 🐍
Manuel González mgmerino
Backend engineer by trade, computer science enthusiast, maths aficionado.
SOZEL TruongNhanNguyen
A passionate developer who loves programming and contributing to open-source projects.

University of Information Technology - UIT Việt Nam

Justin Jerez jerezjustin
Hi👋. I'm a Full-Stack Developer from The Dominican Republic who loves learning new things and taking challenges.

Dominican Republic

Ryan Hung ryannewcomer
hi, I am a high school student! I start coding a few years ago, which starts from a book!! I am very interested in web development.
GQ queirvz SP

NixOS Fanatic. Also interested in all things AI, Android, and pen testing. Dream to play for the red team or becoming UI-UX dev.

Student US


Sesame Street

Skryta Istota hidden-being
Żyj dzisiaj, jutro będzie za późno, jeśli nie żyjesz.


Vri vrifox

neuedev IT Leipzig, Germany

Filipe Lima datsfilipe
Full Stack Software Engineer & CS student. I love Linux & programming! <3

@d3-inc Porto Franco - MA, Brasil

hanasaki hanasa2023

Harbin Engineering University 145 Nantong Street, Nangang District, Harbin, P.R.China

Arcelli Sheryne Roseya asroseya020
Arcelli Sheryne Roseya @asroseya020 @Student @dlsu De Len Sala University

@phe PH

Switched to Codeberg!
Artur Taranchiev ewok
DevOps, emacs, nvim, linux, python, fp... and other scary words.


Heitor Augusto HeitorAugustoLN
Nix/NixOS Enthusiast


Henrik VT henrikvtcodes
fullstack web dev & transit enthusiast

@orangeunilabs, @verso-uvm Northeast USA

OJarrisonn_ OJarrisonn
Minecraft modder, Aprendice webdeveloper Python, C++, React/Nextjs, Rust
yosoof yosoof3
computer nerd, graphic designer, nixos user, and best of all master yapper my only other account is @yosoof4
ABDELILLAH BEL abdelillahbel

@devunionorg Algeria

Nkegynles Enkaiyuegure
Minimalism Follower

Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology Nanjing

Katerina Akilah xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions | Command Center | Batch Ops

TD Securities SG

Bot_wxt1221 Bot-wxt1221
We are BOT!


Ron Pham Bacoburn
Computer Science Student. Cybersecurity and cryptography enthusiast. Currently researching on implementing LLMs in hardware design