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Germany 🇩🇪

Yorgo El Moubayed yorgomoubayed
Program Coordinator @ iGEM - Previously Lab Automation & Software Developer @ INRAe - BioRetroSynth Group (@brsynth)

iGEM Europe SAS Paris, France

Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

Francesco francescogruner
I work in IT, automation, and artificial intelligence. Here you will find my favorite projects, including AI experiments.


Summit Suen suensummit
Summit is a seasoned data scientist with 10+ years working experiences providing actionable insights and intelligent data products across various industries.

@TW-Kadokawa @TaiwanRUserGroup Taipei, Taiwan

shangwfa shangwfa

涂鸦 杭州

Suresh Kumar sureshkumar-cse
Assistant Manager

IndiaBonds Mumbai

Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Abishek TentacioPro
🖤22 💜Web Developer 🤎Foodie 💞 Ditto's Bird

St.Joseph's Institute Of Technology Chennai

Unchun Yang ucyang
I am a software engineer who loves the free and open-source software (FOSS) ecosystem. My broad interests include AI, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.
Delon R. Newman delonnewman
People, data, code.

Self Northern Maine

dam damakathemaker
design tech for good | generative, gaming, music, ai, python, swift and web !

XXII Paris

Raymundo Carlos Machado Ferreira Filho pakafe
Professor e Pesquisador do Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense

IFSUL Pelotas - RS

MRGREENGOLD mr-greengold
🖥 Brand Experience & Social Media Strategist 🎹 Producer 🧐 Watchdog with OSINT 📺 TvShow Addicted 🥷 Web3
Marcus Sampaio SampMark
Economista entusiasta em Data Science and Analytics e em ferramentas de Business Intelligence (BI), como o Google Loocker Studio, Microsoft Power BI e Metabase.

IFRN/Pró-reitoria de Desenvolvimento Institucional/Gestão da Pesquisa Educacional (GEPEDU) Brazil

Darren Neese (Power Apps MVP) PowerAppsDarren

Super Power Labs Orlando, FL

Martial Chartist


Andre Labliuk alabliuk

São Paulo, Brasil

Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
José Junior joserribeiro26

Service Up Araraquara/SP - Brasil

Arif Cem Gundogan cemgundogan
All things climate change, AI/ML, Earth Observation, Embedded Electronics, Ethical Hacking and Quantum Computing. Long live FOSS.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development London

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Harvey harveyrandall
Frontend React Developer

No Isolation London

Nyaribari Reuben foscraft
Mathematics & Programming

IMS Nairobi, East Africa

Aditya R Pai adityarpai843
Developer, Security Researcher

@lynksync India

Paul Pham 157 paulpham157
As know as Phạm Đình Hùng

Hanoi, Viet Nam 🇻🇳

Alan Molina alanmmolina

Branching Minds Sorocaba, São Paulo

Edward Almanzar edardev
Experienced full stack Web & Mobile Apps developer, skilled in technologies like Ruby on Rails, React.js, React-Native, Nodejs, .Net, Java/Android & more /> New York City

Saud AlSaud saudf

@AkeedTravel Riyadh, Saudi Arabia