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Piyush R. Maharana catastropiyush
Project Associate-I, CSIR-NCL Computational Physicist


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


fryklund fryklund
Postdoc, Uppsala University


Hai Zhu haiszhu
CCM @flatironinstitute good good study, day day up...

Flatiron Institute New York

Ye Ji (纪野) jiyess
Computer-Aided Geometric Design & IsoGeometric Analysis


Andrin Rehmann andrinr
Interested in everything related to SciML, computer graphics and HPC.

@PasteurLabs Switzerland

Snow ForrestPi


Han Gao gaohan1234

Harvard University Cambridge

Haixing Fang haixing0a
Beamline scientist at ID11

ESRF Grenoble, France

Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Chih Wang ongchi

Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. Taiwan

Philip Zucker philzook58
A pretty cool dude who does things.

Draper Boston

Raymond Weitekamp rawwerks
founder of @polyspectra. helping builders make their ideas real.

@polyspectra Berkeley, CA

Seba sebagodoy
Chem. Eng., Dr. - mostly molecular simulation stuff (DFT, MD, file tools)
wangmurong latexers

BIT Haidian,BeiJing,China

Simon Li 12mango
@IMRL SLAM,Robotics

Lobotomy Corporation Library Of Ruina

Raphaël Bulle rbulle
Post-doc researcher in Applied Mathematics at Inria Nancy-Grand Est (Strabourg)
Chien Truong-Quoc TruongChien

Seoul National University

Cloud CloudComputer
Computer Graphics & Geologic Statistics & Digital Mine
Jiabao Lei Karbo123
Interested in 3D Computer Graphics and Vision

Shenzhen, China

Nikhesh Kumar Murali NikheshKumar
Currently Master's student in Data Science and AI @ IIT Madras & University of Birmingham


Zepeng Hou ZepengHou

Wuhan University Wuhan UniversityLuojia Hill, Wuchang District,Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China

ltr ltrbless
You cannot improve your past, but you can improve your future.

Zhejiang University

Amin Sadeghi ma-sadeghi
Scientific computing, machine learning, software development

Carbon Engineering Vancouver, Canada

Linghui Zeng mathsyouth

UniDT Technology (shanghai) Co.,Ltd. Shanghai

Zeyu Huang zzilch
Zeyu Huang. Ph.D

Shenzhen University Shenzhen