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Aanand S unniznd
Exploring Cyber Space


Emmanuel Nkasi Nkasi-e
Open Source Optimist, Software Engineer

Creators Africa Abuja

Debasish Sarkar Dhruveren
Just a curious guy who loves coding !!, yeah loves coding and want to pave a path in blockchain technology.
Claret Nnamocha claretnnamocha
Agnostic Software engineer


Safa Zare Sam21a
بنی ادم اعضای یکدیگرند


Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Joel joelkm

Valencia, Spain

Thom Ivy thomivy
technologies cultural and coded

Austin TX

Blythe Christopher blythechristopher
Program Manager for money/resources, DAO LLC Member/Owner, Geek, love to use tools. Austin, TX

0x730 0x730

0x730 Bucuresti. Romania

Beatriz Meythaler (Schaut) BeaMey
UX designer with a solid foundation in legal services and a focus on innovation through AI and user-centric strategies.


boo9ieman imboogieman
Boo! Check my links.

Whatdahack?! Solar Galaxy

Mete Öncü meteoncu
Developing SaaS for E-Commerce, Shipping, & ERP. Focused on Order & Warehouse Management solutions for efficient fulfillment.

Software Engineer Turkey

so_hell noobCode-69
software engineer playing with <react.js/> and {typescript} . fan of open-source
Arnav arnavbee
Madhur Mongia madhurMongia
Full-Stack Developer


Buki O LTTOguns
Research Summary Writer, Smart Contract Research Forum | Emerging Tech Lawyer, Data Privacy, and Cybersecurity Law |

BBO Solicitors Lagos

Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Marcos Meneses MAMware
after 30 years, back to code


Frances He Franceshe
An Engineer for atom + bits, Major in Physics & Minor in Computer Science and Aerospace Engineering @ UIUC. Founder of @yolominds:

Yolominds.Inc Earth/Mars/SolarSystem

Shittu Abdullah Habscodes
|💻 Web Developer | |🌐 Web3 Learner | |♟️ Chess Player | |🦀Rustacean |

Hablospace Tech Lagos,Nigeria

Mani Brar mani99brar
Full Stack Developer, building at @kleros


dumgayretard itsalfiesolons
Former real life Repo Man turned Repo Man online. Left old job b/c I got sick of predatory lending taking advantage. Here 4 predatory repos. eggsployt

Fake Company Pty Ltd X: Elon's replies

Himanshu Joshi joshimanshu
Full-Stack || Next.js || Web3

Udaipur, Rajasthan

Shirin.abdz ShirinAbdz
✨ Curious Front-end Developer 📚 Graduated Software Engineer 🌸 Artist & Designer


Himanshu joshi HimanshuJ011
Full-Stack Developer || CSE @technoindianjr
