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Joon Kim JoonKim
Systems/Solutions Engineer, Business Systems and Design Architect / Software Developer for Multi-model Data

Remote DC Metro

Jean Bond jbondpdx
Head of Docs and Edu at Instabase

Instabase Portland, Oregon

Jason Robey jarobey
AI Developer, data enthusiast, machine learning fan, and home IoT practitioner

Instabase Inc. Portland, OR

Vinay Singh Thapa ThapaVinay
Student at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) | AIML Enthusiast | Full Stack Developer | Competitive Coder


Tisha Jain tishajain25
AI Developer Intern || Former Intern @iitpatna || Learning and Growing everyday

Dehradun, India

Nebiyu nebiyuelias1
Full stack engineer


Alapan Chaudhuri banrovegrie
I like doing crazy things.

Instabase, IIITH

Varun Nandan varun-insta

@instabase Bengaluru

Michael Saul michaelsaul

Instabase Long Beach, CA

Drashti Koladiya DrashtiKoladiya
Software Engineer @google | Former Engineering Intern @google & @instabase | DA-IICT'23

Surat, Gujarat, India

Nathaniel Watkins TheNathanielWatkins
I’m a dedicated manager turned AI/Machine Learning Engineer with an enthusiasm for the wonderful ways technology can help people.

Instabase Seattle, WA

Yuqi Tang Yukiyukiyeah
Software Engineer
