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Eduarda Trindade Guerra egtrindade
Frontend Software Developer. Computer Science student at UFRGS.

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Bernardo brdppl
Developer since 2015

@zupit Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil

Victor Medeiros VMedeiros
Bachelor in Information Systems, Front-End Developer, Mobile Device Development Expert

Ilegra Campina Grande

Lucas Teixeira Lukgt

Ilegra, Porto Alegre Olinda, Pernambuco

Henrique Haag Ribacki henriquehaag
Monitoring Specialist | Linux | Zabbix | Cloud | DevOps

ilegra Porto Alegre, Brazil

Gregory Peruzzo Fiel gregoryfiel

UFRGS Porto Alegre/RS - Brasil

Augusto Sopelsa Klaic AugustoKlaic
Backend developer. Graduated in System Information at PUC-RS.

@NTConsult Porto Alegre RS Brasil

Marcelo Serpa marceloserpa
Software Architect at @thomsonreuters | Cloud Solutions | Java & NodeJS Engineer | 4x AWS Certified | 1x GCP Certified | DevOps practitioner.

@thomsonreuters Brazil

Mauro Freire mmmcreire
Sr C# developer

@Ilegra Brazil

Eduardo Daltro daltroedu
Python Developer

Feira de Santana, Brazil

Sthefanie Gloor sthefaniegloor
Tech lover and Medicinal Chemist

LifesHub Viamão, RS

Hello World! I'm a 39-year-old Uruguayan residing in Brasil. -Technology enthusiast -Fast learner -Eager to work

Freelancer Jr Python Back-end Developer Brazil

Carlos CarlosAsrc
Senior Software Engineer at @mercadolibre

@mercadolibre Anápolis, Goiás, Brasil.

Patrícia wentzpatricia
Front-end Developer

Unicred Porto Alegre

Wanderley Rabelo padawandr
Front-end developer and Software Engineering student.

ilegra Brasília - Brazil

Jociel Jesus jocieljesus
Analista de Sistemas no Banco do Brasil | Software Development | AWS Certified

Banco do Brasil Brasilia-DF

Willian Silveira williansdr
Frontend Developer

Brasil, RS

Jamuare Jamuare
Physicist and Data Science learner
