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Egbert Ludema EgbertLudema
23 🏍️ 💻 🎲 ❌, Keep it 🟩

EL Websolutions The Netherlands

Ligia P. S. Salzano ligiasalzano
Desenvolvedora Magento, Ecóloga, entusiasta e curiosa

Salzano TI Curitiba

Sayed Murtadha Ahmed sayedMurtadha
Software Engineer at ARRAY Innovation

@ArrayInnovation Bahrain

Sushy SushyDev
🌊 surf on

Delphino Plaza

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Krzysztof Ratajczyk rataj86
CTO at, Real skill comes from hustle


FlipDev sickdaflip

Germany - Greifswald

Michael v/d Rijt notfalsedev

Not False The Netherlands

Kristijan Cvetkovic kristijancv
Software Developer


Luis Castillo luisgcastillo40so
FullStack Developer Magento and other ecommerce & frameworks my other profiles: Anywhere

Rick Visser cytorick
Laravel Developer | Magento Developer | Working at @elgentos | Owner at @progics

@progics @elgentos Groningen

Wajahat Bashir wajahatbashir
Senior Magento and Full Stack Developer with 10 years' experience. Expert in custom modules and enhancing e-commerce platforms. Open to new opportunities.

Islamabad, Pakistan

Michiel Gerritsen michielgerritsen
Freelance backend developer. Interests in Laravel, Magento & Testing

Control Alt Delete BV Texel

Thomas Klein thomas-kl1
🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️ Adobe Commerce Certified #TeamDave #OpenSourceLover

Open Source Contributor France

Vikas Kalal vikaskalal
I am a Magento developer with approx. 2 years experience. I am working as a Junior Magento Developer at Viha Digital E-Commerce.


Antonio Rossetti arossetti
Largement orienté vers les technologies libres, mes domaines de prédilection sont les WebApp & les infrastructures système/réseau.

Advisa France

Chetan Sanghani chetansanghani
Frontend Developer




Kevin Ruscoe kevinruscoe
Full-stack developer with a keen interest in accessibility. I'm highly skilled with all things HTML, PHP, CSS and JS.

Wales, United Kingdom

Mehul 5mehulhelp5
Over the last 12+ years, I have developed a wide range of websites using magento,magento2,wordpress,joomla,cake php and zend framework etc.


Kuba Zwolinski snowdog
With over 17 years of experience in web development, I'm a CEO of Snowdog , a leading digital agency that specializes in unified commerce solutions.

Snowdog Poland

Roman Snitko snowcore
Magento Architect / Full Stack Developer


Osiozekhai Aliu aliuosio
🛒 Specialised in Magento. 🐍 Exploring Python and enjoying the ride. 🐧 Linux enthusiast by heart. 🤖 Exploring AI's potential, onestep at a time

Hamburg, Germany

Eugene Lamskoy lamskoy
LAMP/Magento Developer, Arch Linux user


Rebecca Brocton RebeccaBrocton
Obsessed with eCommerce | Expert in Online Retail, Project Management, Brand Marketing & Partnerships | Magento Master 2019 |

United Kingdom

Andrew mssdef
Fullstack Magento/SFCC/React/Vue Developer. Certified Adobe Commerce (2023) Certified Magento (2013)

XPS Kyiv, Ukraine

Santhosh P santhoshp
Magento 2 Certified Developer | Consultant


Torben Höhn torhoehn
Developing and deploying Magento applications since 2015.

@basecom Osnabrück

Jose Luis Narváez jlnarvaez
Magento 2 Expert Certified Developer

Hiberus Tecnología Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Cádiz

Stevie-Ray Hartog Stevie-Ray
Freelance Front-end developer and climbing enthusiast. Creator of the HangTime hangboarding app.

Breda, Netherlands

Ruud van Zuidam allrude

@Siteation Meppen, Germany

Willem Wigman wigman
Founder of Hyvä

@hyva_io Netherlands

Arturo Sánchez Gándara jasgpro
Consultor digital +20 años de experiencia en ecommerce y negocios digitales. Me gusta simplificar la vida usando tecnología. Te puedo ayudar.

Panamerik CDMX

Design & Communications for New Age. I build eCommerce Sites on visually managed content-management systems and deploy them on High-Performance VMs. WP/MageOS

WE SKY PRINT LLP @weskyprint Mumbai, Maharashtra, India