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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Aksiboynuz MrMuba

Riot Games United Kingdom

Sina Mathew sinamathew
Self-motivated and passion-driven tech enthusiast.


Tristan Rivoallan trivoallan

@constructions-incongrues Paris, France

Chris Huang chrishuan9
kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Basel, Switzerland

Chigozirim Ogbogu DonDxDy
Enterprise Technology Enthusiast, interested in building IoT solutions with block-chain.

Plexada System Integrators Limited

Srinivas Sambari srinivassambari1
DevOps Engineer

Workmotion Software GmbH Düsseldorf

0xn0b174 sademban
It's better to be kind than to be right.

ann inc, motocle inc Fukuoka, Japan

Sara Boum la-sarita

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Datascientist, previously platform DevOps

INSEE Fontainebleau, FRANCE

Justin Wilkin justinwilkin
Head of Technology and Solutions @clear-route Australia, enabling innovation at hyperspeed.

@clear-route Sydney

Ronald Hötschl rhoetsc

@codecentric Munich, Germany

Adrian Torrie adriantorrie
HPC/AI Solution Architect. Likes AI, autonomous vehicles, and finance. Recently focused on development in Python and C++. Might be convinced to learn Go.

Gold Coast, Australia

Raziel Anarki razielanarki

psionic-host Budapest, Hungary

Julio Hernández jchernandez88
💡Ayudo a las organizaciones a implementar prácticas de #DevOps #SRE 👁️ No olviden #digitaltransformation #drp #bcp

Star Byte MX México

Bethany Fannin bjf5201
full stack software engineer specializing in secure development, usability, and privacy

Durham, NC

Eduardo Almeida F. eduardoalmeidaf
Senior Technology Leader, with expertise in Architecture, Cloud, DevOps and Digital Transformation.

São Paulo

Ganiev Shamil ganievs

@platacard Paphos, Cyprus

Zane Cahill zcahill
Full-Fledged Generalist advocating DevSecOps within Digital Transformations gravitating over Cloud(-Native) Technologies ☁

United Kingdom

Javier Exposito G javiexpo
Software Developer with 14+ years of experiences building Enterprise Applications. Founder of ExpoCode Tech.

ExpoCode Tech Barcelona, Spain

Antonio Thomacelli Gomes tonnytg
Software Engineer and Cloud Architect

Banco BV Brazil

Emily Harrison canorkshirelass
Canadian born Yorkshire lass

Capgemini Invent Yorkshire

Rogerio Angeliski angeliski
Just a developer; Just Keep Swimming;

@PicPay Brazil

Usman Malik imusmanmalik
Just a techie who is passionate about Open Source and Cloud Native to solve complex problems and drive innovation.


Daniel Travaglia Travaz
👨🏻‍💻 Software & Data Engineering 🎺 Occasional trumpet player ⛰️ Definitely a mountain lover 📸 Take pics ocassional

Lugano, Switzerland

Mick Hunter decomplected
I love collaborating with others to solve complex problems, elevate individuals and teams using data-driven approaches, and chase continuous improvement.

Salt Lake City Metropolitan Area

Mykhailo "Mischa" Lieibenson z0r1k
That RTC guy

@supabase @Aiven @citrix @crytek @lightelligence-io Berlin, Germany

Kumar Abhishek onlykumarabhishek
Solution Architect @ Expleo Group

Expleo Group Noida

Andy McEwan Ponniah Grandblu07
Software Pre-Sales Engineer | AWS/OSS/IAM Founder-Architect | Collaborates with EMEA Alliance-Partners on Client-Partner Challenges.

Cloudblade London