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E-Magic emagic2
Full Stack Web engineer - JavaScript, Typescript, React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, Python, Django, Flask, FastAPI, AsyncIO, Tensorflow, PyTouch
Jorge Soto jsgovea
Software Engineer


Dennis Mbithi D-Mbithi
Someone with passion for technology and innovation

Nairobi, kenya

Elton Jefferson eltonjncorreia
Back-end developer at @magazineluiza. I write in code. Beginner entrepreneur, building a life project to have mini-retirements.

@magazineluiza Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará

MVONDO Yannick mvondoyannick
Ruby On Rails Architect, Python/Django, mobile Android/iOS developer with FuseOpen, Backend PHP developer with WordPress

BFAST Cameroun

Yaro Shm yshmarov
I do 🔴 SupeRails - Ruby on Rails & Hotwire screencasts. Source code @corsego

@corsego Chernihiv, Ukraine

Vasilev Sergey sergey-vasiliev-dualboot
Dualboot Partners Python Team Lead

Dualboot Partners Serbia

Jinwook Baek kokospapa8
Kokos' PAPA

@nowhere Seoul, South Korea

Chinseok Lee allieus

파이썬 사랑방 Republic of Korea

Al Mahdi almahdi404
Passionate programmer and a full-stack web developer.

Brahmanbaria, Bangladesh

Alex alikud
Golang/Python developer Based in Minsk, Belarus
jQuery || React || React Native || Next JS|| Vue JS || Frontend Web App Developer || Express JS Pakistan

Patrick Forringer destos

9Bcorp Tulsa OK

Muqeet Mughal muqeetmughal
Talk with me for Python Django, ERPNext, Flask, FastAPI for the Backend, and React for the Frontend

Infintrix Technologies Lahore

Thierry Chappuis tchappui
I'm a engineer and a developer interested in scientific computing applications, data science and web development. Mainly skilled in Python, Javascript and Go

@hes-so Fribourg, Switzerland

Ondřej Nývlt onvlt
I'm programmer & social sciences student. Mostly developing for Web platform. Prague

Silas Vasconcelos silasvasconcelos

Developer, DevOps, Solutions Architect Brasilia - DF

ogunmolu oluwaseun lagrandecode
I am a Software Engineer, GIS Expert and Data Scientist

Lagos Bureau of Statistics Alausa, Ikeja

Francisco Ganhao fjdsfg
Zendesk Engineer by day, Github user by night

@zendesk Lisbon

Thanasis Xanthopoulos thanasisxan
Full Stack Developer


RX-36 DevWoody856
Web developer. I work exclusively for application development using Django. Japanese is native and English can be communicated.


Kevin Harvey kevinharvey

FOH&BOH Nashville, TN

Ricardo Veronica Duran RicardoVeronica
ISC, originario de Guadalajara Jalisco, enfocado en desarrollo web. Me gusta considerarme un hombre estoico y un programador pragmático

Guadalajara Jalisco, México

Yordan Santallana yorsant
always learning...

Founder @ Rexie Labs LLC Miami Florida

Kausthubh Nandimandalam kausthubh-coder

14360 Wynhollow Downs Ln, Charlotte, NC 28277

Pedro Magno Müller pmagnomuller
Send memes ;)

@ostrom Berlin

Gustavo Gawryszewski gawry
Founder at @moner-pagamentos

Moner Cobranças Inteligentes Rio de Janeiro, Brazil