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Gabriel Morishita Mourishitz
Junior Developer - Computer Engineer

@HubyTechTeam | @LightStand-Solutions São Paulo

Gabriel Aplok gabriel-aplok
Full-Stack developer and Game developer.

@firewave-interactive Brazil, CE

Tushar Jain tushar994
Just someone who loves to build things with code and wants to make change
Lucas R. Costa olucaslrc
Software Engineer

São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil

Free Software / LINUX / GODOT / BLENDER / Web3 / Blockchain / Crypto / Metaverse / PHP / JS / PYTHON / GAME

Open to work Remote

Wesley F. Young Wesley-Young
你现在不能睡觉,周围有 issues 在游荡

@dpsast @thujsd Beijing, China

Tiago Boeing tiagoboeing
Staff Software Engineer | Software architect | AWS Community Builder 🇧🇷

SulAmérica Tubarão, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Ludvig Hozman LudvigHz
Software Engineering Consultant at @progitas

@progitas Oslo, Norway

Hannibal B. Moulvad Hmoulvad
Commerce Specialized Frontend Engineer

IMPACT A/S Denmark

Ahammed Nibras ahammednibras8
Hi there! I’m Ahammed Nibras, a passionate student currently on a journey to master the world of programming through CS50 and Edapt’s TLP.


Ishmam IshmamR
I code


Arash Narimani arashdeveloper1380
Just Programming iran,tabriz

Ratiarivelo Nekena Rayane Online13
I am a software engineer, who always wants to surpass himself

Antananarivo Madagascar

ZhiHong Ju juwenzhang
front-end infra and main in micro-app.

@ByteDance @RedRockTeam @LiteyukiStudio BeiJing

蜗牛快跑 chaseFunny


Jgc7 jgc777

Madrid, Spain

sparkle masked-fool

Across the galaxy

Lucas Magalhães lucasrmagalhaes
Full Stack Developer · PHP · JavaScript · Node.js · Vue.js · React · TypeScript · Next.js

@Fiergs Canoas, RS - Brazil

Scott Scharl scottscharl
Husband, Dad, JavaScript dev

Detroit, Michigan

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

wzc520pyfm wzc520pyfm
I have a computer

@OceanBase hangzhou

Jits jits
Full-stack product developer. Lifelong learner. Educator.

Brighton, UK

Davi Alcântara davialcantaraa
I build user interfaces.

Franca, SP