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Sadık Sünbül SadikSunbul
GO | .NET | Docker | Redis | RabbitMQ | Contributions = { @gofiber }

Konya Teknik Üniversitesi Türkiye

T_O_N_T_O tonto87
only ask


GuoXiong guoxxiong
I'm currently studying the technology related to robots, mainly including Motion Planning, Intelligent Control, Human-Robot Collaboration..

University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing

Welcome to add as friends to discuss
Changsheng Liu lcssxl Guangzhou,Guangdong at China

xfu 0xxfu
web3 dev


Iamruzi Iamruzi
I love tech

tech university fuzhou

A Very Mad Lab, LLC MadMoneyLab
$MAD for the Money, Bananas for the Chain, were already batshit, then we went inSANE.

@MadBananaUnion-DAO The Mad Lab, located in the Mad Lands

Aan Kasman aankasman
I am building the CTI Services

-- Jakarta Indonesia

223880⚡️ 22388o
Junior Timechain Engineer on ₿itcoin/Lightning Network / Cryptography/Nostr

@Bitcoin / @AreaLayer / @Horus-Org / @FrostDevKit Bitcoin / Lightning Network / Nostr

Mr. H hacashcom core developer

Hacash XYZ Inc. United States

one OnenessWang
Crypto Observer / Lover / Investor

Vancouver, Canada

Hser2bio Hser2bio
Blockchain Developer [email protected]

Alone in the world :) Madrid (Spain)

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