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itsKayWat itsKayWat
👋 I'm Chris Loetz, I make stuff. Crafting tools to help stores and teams streamline operations and enhance efficiency - TikTok: @ll_kaywat_ll - OnPoint

NexusStream Project Ai One Click Away From You =P

Nho Luong nholuongut
💁Vietnam DevOps Engineer Lead🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳Vietnam Timeless Charm 🥰Enjoy Every Moment 🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳🇻🇳😜Good Vibes Only

DevOps and Platform Services Lead From Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

胖虎 cm19940306
PedroSS pedro-ss
Estudante de Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas no IFPE - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco , apaixonado por código.


Roman Lin HelloReformat
Hi, I'm Roman Lin, a student specializing in big data. With a strong command of programming languages like Java, Python, and .NET .
Fleezesd Fleezesd


Gabriel vinhais
Software Go/PHP/JS | Network | Hardware | Infra Linux | Datacenter

Osasco, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Mohamad J. Makki mjmk3
Developer \\ Java\Spring | Golang\Gin-Gonic | MySQL-PostgreSQL-Oracle

Istanbul, Turkey

이준헌 leejoonhun

@qraft-technologies Seoul, Republic of Korea

Klaus Ferreira KlausEverWalkingDev
Software Developer | Angular | TypeScript | Git | Linux | Java | SQL | Creator and Community Manager at @DevCaminhante

@DevCaminhante Blumenau, SC, Brazil

Danilo Yukio Kodavara danyukod
Eternal tech student, and commited to knowledge.

Itau Unibanco São Paulo - Brazil


Alipay Hangzhou, China

ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Minato hxx258456


小公主 codprincess
A lovely female programmers


行者 codingcn
