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John Shelburne thecatfix
Former sales guy that had zero coding experience who accidentally bought the IP for a ml platform that identifies bond trade opportunities.

CatFix Technology Dallas

Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

I am a Full Stack Web Developer.
ijj ijjvim
NaN is NaN


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Jacob Hands jahands
Helping build a better Internet @cloudflare


Hisham Dalal hishamdalal
Web developer

yemen, sanaa

Norman Tietz norman-tietz

service health erx GmbH Berlin, Germany

Destiny DestinyZB


Hi, I'm Tianlong Chen(ocero,樱花) Nice to meet you

Harbin No.4 High School HeilongJiang China

Mir Tafseer Nayeem tafseer-nayeem
Ph.D. Student at University of Alberta

University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada

LeroyK LeroyK111
Don't give up on code. 代码就是不断学习。

Software and hardware integration development engineer shanghai

leaning.. (none are mine.. it’s research)

None Brisbane