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Harshitha B Chandrashekar HarshithaBC
GRA/Bioinformatician at LSI, Uni of Exeter. MSc Precision Medicine: Genomics and Analytics - University of Leeds. BSc - Microbiology, Biotechnology.

Exeter, United Kingdom

Paulina Rosales-Becerra paulinarosales
Bioinformatician from Schneider lab at Helmholtz Zentrum München

Helmholtz-Munich Munich

Gregor Rot grexor
#computerscience #bioinformatics #RNA

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Elmasnur Yılmaz elmasnuryilmaz
May the code be with you.

Ege University Izmir

Sam Bryce-Smith SamBryce-Smith
Recent PhD graduate from UCL with Pietro Fratta and Maria Secrier @frattalab

UCL London, UK