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Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Xavier B VuillaumeXB
Mainframe developer and programming enthusiast


Kaleigh Clary kclary
AI Engineer

Remote, MA

Zhaoxin Liang zxliang
C++/Rust/Python. Never stop learning!


Kunal Singh KunalSin9h
Engineering @safedep. Backend • SRE • AI • Go • C++ • Rust • TS • Python

@SafeDep Bhopal, India

Tobias Mierzwa tobias-mierzwa

Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen

Diego Torrent diegotorrent
I am a software engineer =) 🇧🇷

DFT Brazil

Max Kainov maxknv

@ClickHouse Amsterdam, NL

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Andrew Bednoff andrcmdr
Software Developer (Rust), DevOps engineer, FLOSS & GNU/Linux adept, Gentoo/Void/Debian/Arch enthusiast, Bash/Julia/Python/Ruby scripting, working remotely

FLOSS, CloudMesh, OpenMesh, CodEx far Future, another Universe

Tyler Bloom TylerBloom
Avid Rustacean. Software Engineer at @apollographql . Software architect of @SquireTournamentServices. MS in Math from the University of Vermont

Apollo GraphQL Boston

Cainã Zampieri caina-zampieri
Alto interesse pelo mundo crypto desde cedo, já estou familiarizado com a blockchain desde 2014 e hoje sou Desenvolvedor - Blockhain | ReactJS | Solid

@mentoragg São José do Rio Preto


FXP Fxp Gunz

Mahmoud Rusty Abdelkader mahmoudimus
Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Fintech and Privacy

United States

Devesh Kumar devsoftwareengg
Hi Guys, I am Devesh Kumar. I have been working as Test Automation Engineer. I would like to learn new Tools and Technologies and Share Knowledge Around

Cisco Bangalore