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Martin Harawa Marhardal
Software Developer & UX and UI Designer & Database Developer. Solving real-world problems with bug-free programs.

@HashTag-Technologies-Limited Lilongwe Malaŵi

Kevin Franklin Kim franklinkim
Lead Software & DevOps Engineer

@bestbytes Munich, Germany

H windhooked
practitioner of software arts; having fun; making things go; software engineer; architect; coder; maker Current Interests: lean ledgers, zig, data and AI

@lunarforge in orbit

Leon Heyna leonheyna
Web-Developer; Java, Spring, JavaScript

Vilisto Hamburg, Germany

Rafael Cordones rafacm
Software Developer, Consultant and Architect

Vienna, Austria

Christoph Ott Uter1007

Lean-Coders GmbH Vienna

Jan Halfar janhalfar
I code for a living

bestbytes Munich, Bavaria

I'm a midnight gopher

Vienna, Austria

Furkan Arif Bozdağ arifbozdag
Software Engineer

Ankara / Turkey

Mitesh Dandade Mitesh411
Sr Automation Engineer

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