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fos1 fos1
Retired marine chemist, science teacher and counselor. Retired but still coding and writing.

Far Out Science Under the rainbow.

Darth_Venath DarthVenath16

FieryMUD Realm of the King of Dreams

Reddred ReddredPS

Primate Solutions Texas

iiMate gordon123
Hello world! I'm new for coding!!

homeless Anywhere I can breath!

Scott Goblinscape
Mud Coder, Learning Python for AI Dev. Mideval, and SciFy VTT role-playing game enthusiast.

@Goblinscape USA

Bradley Marques bradleymarques
Software engineer

@melio-consulting Johannesburg

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Greg Taylor gtaylor
@Netflix Dev Spaces team

@netflix Los Gatos, CA

Kurtiss Frost kurtissfrost
Hello, I'm Kurtiss! I am a data center technician starting on my journey into the wild world of coding.
Frank Tang roadt
Programmer/Archt, ArchLinux, Emacs, Rubyist, Pythoner, Javascript, Go newbie. Hobbies: Movie, Music, Art, Thinking, Programming

SoftMoon Studio Remote