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Ryan Menezes LordRyanII
FullStack Developer | Node.js | TypeScript | React.js | MySql | MongoDB | Vanilla JavaScript | Java | Kotlin |

Dawntech inc. Porto Alegre- BR

Sérgio Santos josesergios
back-end developer

Feira de Santana

Samuel Vieira samuel-vieira-dev
Software Engineer. Here you will only find personal projects that I thought it was cool to share! Developing since 2019.

Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

Rafael Tomais rafaeltomais

Dawntech Inc. Uberlândia/MG - BR

Leonardo Rodrigues Pereira leoncwb
Em constante aprendizado.

DBM Curitiba

Levindo Neto levindoneto
CEO @dawntech | Computer Engineer

Dawntech Inc. / Catalyst Commerce Porto Alegre, Brazil

Emerson Felipe emersonfelipesp
👨‍💻 Software Development & Opensource & @N-Multifibra & @netdevopsbr (NetDevOps Brazil) & @netbox-community contributor

@N-Multifibra Cotia - São Paulo, Brazil