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Aharoni ChefAharoni
Computer Science Student Creates programs that help me with my everyday life Plays mainly with Python, Swift

Manhattan, NYC

omar jamal 0xakhii
currently student at 1337 (42 network)

@1337School Ben Guerir

Claudia Cortell claudiacortell
Senior studying Computer Science at Barnard College, Columbia University. From Boston, MA
Ryan D. Najac rdnajac

Columbia University New York City

Christine Li tinghui2012
Hi! I'm Christine, and I am an undergrad at Columbia University studying CS and Linguistics. I'm from the Bay Area and Shanghai.

Columbia University New York City

Stanley L kystanleylin

Microsoft New York City

Jake Torres JakasaurusRex
pro grammer

Columbia University United States

Ngan Nguyen ngan-110

Columbia University Arizona