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Manjunatha B Manjunatha16
Full stack Web developer || DSA Java developer
Ozgur ozgurcancal
Software Developer


Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

Behnam sirUnchained
Backend | ML


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jakub sivral

AGH University Krakow, Poland

Lucas Gracioso lbgracioso
Dev, Ops, and everything between.


Hitesh Bhat Bhat31

@IIIT-Delhi Delhi

Balaji balaji1233
Machine Learning Researcher. I am highly interested in Deep Learning, NLP, CV ,Generative AI .
Justin Scofield scawful
software developer / rom hacker
Mandeep Singh Pruthi SINGHisKINGarts
Code in Progress || IIITD'27


Maxence maxence-glt
not active because i work on skysafari (I had Berkeley's CS61b and CS61c but they took them down lol)


José Faria jncfa
Software Engineer for Mobile Robotics


Anna Rosen drannarosen
Computational Astrophysicist & Assistant Professor of Astronomy at SDSU

San Diego State University San Diego, CA, USA

Philipp Thiel Taronyu

Düsseldorf, Germany

dont know what im doing 87% of the time
Rida Sbaa ridasbaa
Software Developer


Nik Myers elecblue
Humble software developer, graphic designer, student, and producer of music. Inspired by @KalleZ since time immemorial.

@Electric-Blue-Development Orlando, FL

Cyber Threat Defence Center cybersecurity-dev
Cyber Security Solutions

KU Leuven - Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography Belgium

Oskai ahmedatigui
It's good to be king!

Literally on cloud 9

Kun-Lin Lee LeeKLTW
NLP Engineer

Taipei, Taiwan

SAIF003 saifeddineelhanoune
Computer scientist at 1337 (42 Network)


Jose Sa jose-a-sa
PhD candidate in Mathematical Sciences at Durham University. Studying deformations of brane tiling models.

Durham University London, UK

Vegard Myhre vegmy

Capgemini Stavanger