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Derek Barncard renderf0x
Software Manager. I haven't been active on here publicly for a while; mostly contribute internal code when I do.

Code Chrysalis Tokyo, Japan

Stéphane Berhault Stekosan
Unix | Linux | Splunk | Azure | GCP | AWS |Informatica | Docker | R | Python | Data Governance | Data Quality | Data Analytics | Oracle | SQL Server | PowerBI

Willamette University

Chen ATravelerGo
记得联系我哦 以往Offer:转转、京东、大华 立个flag:玩转MySQL !!!!


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ai ai-n0808
Full-stack engineer


devDamien sylentwulf81
Former Apple Channel Retail sales manager, current full stack development student

Nagano, Japan

Matthew Kurtti matthewkurtti

Kumamoto City, Kumamoto, Japan

Yu Du duyu09
[杜宇; Du Yu; Đỗ Vũ] A student from Faculty of Computer Science & Technology, Qilu University of Technology. Committed to software development and NLP.

Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences) Jinan, Shandong Province, P.R.China

Laurence Agina laurencecnerual
Bilingual software engineer with experience in business analysis, system administration, technical support, and technical consulting

Tokyo, Japan

JoyinTech JoyinTech-dev
Depressed accountant trying to find my way into tech


Matheus N tanjounokamioku

AnotherBall 東京

yu-dev yuudev14
Hi, I am a full-stack software engineer who is always eager to learn new things and willing to take challenges out of my comfort zone.
