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Giovanni Mariano giovanni-mariano
Calibrating Tokamak neutron diagnostics using Monte Carlo simulations. Interested in software development for physics
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Short-Term Action, Long-Term Impact.
ing. M.A.C.M. (Martijn) van den Boom martijnvandenboom
Computer Infrastructure Architect ingenieur, docent en mentor

Consultancy Netherlands

Antonio De Lucreziis aziis98
I'm a Maths student at the University of Pisa and I've been an hobbyist programmer/developer from more than ten years.

Pisa, Italy

Christian Heider Lindbjerg cnheider
Reinforcement Learning, Neural Representations, Graphics, Vision, Speech, Signal Processing, GIS

MapsPeople A/S Denmark

angelodel80 angelodel80
Computer Engineer working at ILC-CNR within the humanities computing (DH) research field

ilc-cnr Italy

Edison Qian edisonqkj
GIS, Computer Graphics, ArcGIS, Spatial Analysis.


Charles Bell CharlesBell
Programming since high school.

H47 Vicksburg Vicksburg

Snow ForrestPi


Daniel Velasco C. davelascoc
Undergraduate student. Biology at USFQ, 🇪🇨. Data Management, Analysis and Visualization for Marine Biology.

Universidad San Francisco de Quito Ayampe, Ecuador

Developing tools for academic research -- Gaming and Alien enthusiast


Jona Schlegel jonaschlegel
Founder • Archaeology science comm • (conceptual) illustration x Programming

archaeoINK Amsterdam

Joe DF joedf
Manager at the @AutoHotkey / @ahkscript Foundation, B.Sc.H Earth Sciences

@AutoHotkey Foundation LLC Canada, ON, Ottawa

Ayomide Ayodele-Soyebo AyomideA-S
Dental Student | DataCamp Certified Data Scientist | (ISC)² Certified in Cybersecurity | ALX Software Engineer Graduate

@CodingPeps Lagos, Nigeria.

Michael Rivera mriveralee
Researcher and maker of things, Director of the Utility Research Lab (@utilityresearchlab) at the ATLAS Institute of CU Boulder

CU Boulder, @utilityresearchlab Boulder, CO

Lorenzo Rutayisire loryruta
AI/Computer Graphics student, C++/CUDA Software Developer and more

@upperlevel Modena, Italy

Youssef AbouDorra youssef-aboudorra
PhD Candidate @utwente (RaM), Aerial Robotics

University of Twente, RaM (Robotics and Mechatronics) Enschede, NL

Roman Ilchenko RomanIlchenko1308
Software Engineer | Mechanical Engineer

Cero Design Barcelona, Spain

Jinpei Xiao Kevin-9527XIAO
Some people spend their whole lives building their character, while others focus on building their reputation.

NWPU Xi‘an

Sinhuè Angelo Rossi pingumen96
Software developer with experience in mobile, web and game development.

@Visivalab Carbonia, Italy