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Soniku (KokiKitsune) KokiKitsune2007
A Linux and Windows user who writes crap code. More specifically in Python, C#, Go, and C/++. I'm primarily into low level development.

California, USA

Rodrigo Angelo Valentini RodrigoAngeloValentini

Desbravador Software Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brasil


United States

Antony Perez antonyperez-clover
Technical Writer

Clover Network Sunnyvale

Phil Robinson robinsonphil
50-something web developer geek formerly working in cubicle-land in Corporate America.

Memphis, TN

Aden John Codezappers
Software Developer

Red deer

Tomas Wardoloff Tomas-Wardoloff
Systems engineering student | Software Development | Python fan 🐍

Santa Fe, Argentina

Kryspin Ziemski kziemski

QCOMPUTE United States

Gonzalo Vaca vacagonzalo2

PumpControl Buenos Aires

nagen1 nagen1
AWS, ETL, Apache Airflow, ROS, Robotics, ML, DNN, RL, Python and C++ Full Stack Web Developer

Charlotte, NC

Rodrigo Morales rodrigomv29
Open Source Developer. NJIT
Andrew Teesdale, Jr. prail
I do lots of stuff, only *some* of it is here.


Lewis Quick lew-pop
Hello! I'm a recent Bachelor of Science in Computer Science graduate from Southern New Hampshire University, passionate about forging a meaningful career.

San Diego, California

Sayali EvolvingLearner
I love Learning and developing Android Apps.
Daniel Sanchez DSeeHappy

@Cloverhound Denver CO

Erik side erikside
dev op

Essd Druk.eth Odexx.eth Saguenay

Anis Mohammad anis123ahmad
I am a PHP and custom WooCommerce Payment Plugin Developer. I also have a good hand in MySQL, Ajax, JS, JQuery, HTML5 and CSS3.


Vitor Oliveira vbrazo

@faker-ruby @elixirs @TheAlgorithms Vancouver, Canada

John TheJondar

Bergen County, NJ

LearnLoop LearnLoop365
Hello World

United States

Anhy anahiza


Tyler M. Neher tylermneher
@neherdata - Owner // University of Central Florida // Reach for the stars //

@neherdata Tinton Falls, New Jersey, United States

Amit kuzi amitkuzi
Since 2000, I have been creating dynamic but maintainable software architecture and solutions for companies of all sizes.

Amit Kuzi Consulting Tel Aviv

Luis Gonzalez gogl92
Information Technologies Engineer.

@inquid Texas + Florida + Mexico

ChristineD cdiamond-clv
developer documentation at Clover


Jacob Abrams satur9nine
Just another bay area programmer