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Ahmed Belgacem ahmedbelgacem
AI Engineer and Photographer

Multitel Mons, Belgique

Yann Bayle ybayle
CTO & co-founder @reefpulse | PhD in AI applied to Signal Processing

Reef Pulse France


Ciudad de México

Acoustical/Software Engineering | Python


MODAVIS modavis-project
Digital Organology | Acoustics | MIR GitHub for PhD-Project MODAVIS by Dominik Ukolov


Atsuya Kobayashi atsukoba
Musical Human Computer Interaction / Computational Creativity

Sony Tokyo

Jean Simonnet misnaej
ML | AI | Protein Engineering

Exazyme Berlin

Dimitris dimitriStoidis
Signal Processing/Speech Processing/Computer Vision/Privacy Ph.D student @QMUL and Centre for Intelligent Sensing

Queen Mary University London London, UK

Lewis Wolstanholme lewiswolf
composer && artist && phd researcher

Queen Mary University of London London

Xin Xu xxupiano
CSE Ph.D. Student at UC San Diego
Scusk Rimsi yoyolicoris
I'm a Djentle man. When I hear 0000000 I click like.


Sungkyun Chang mimbres
ML for music and audio

Centre for Digital Music, QMUL

TemetNosce 0TemetNosce0
与其路难行 不如马上前行


aidenfaustine Aidenfaustine
multimodal fusion, health mental, emotion recognition
Yazhou li630925405
La isla a mediodía; PhD researcher @c4dm

Queen Mary University of London London, United Kingdom

Jinhua Liang JinhuaLiang
A Ph.D. student from Centre for Digial Music (C4DM), Queen Mary University of London.


Huan Zhang anusfoil
Annushka has already bought the sunflower oil, and has not only bought it, but has already spilled it. So the meeting will not take place.

Center for Digital Music London