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Wahyu Azizi wahyuazizi
Transforming challenges into opportunities with the power of machine learning.


Ryu Nakamura LearnProgrammingDev
meet lovalble

Freelancer Shibuya, Japan

Lux oohmylux
also software engineer.


RxDiag excalibur1010
hello world

freelancer Asia, Indonesian

AntoniSilha AntoniSilha
Front End Developer and Network Enggineering

Banyuwangi, JawaTimur (Indonesia)

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


fauzi ilyas saputra fauziilyassaputra
learn about computer science


Ardiyansyah Ardiyyansyahh
just learn


Lamina Rinami neekaru
i feel stacked


Reza Herdiansyah RezaHerdiansyah23

Universitas Teknologi Bandung Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Elmosius Suli Elmosius
Aspiring Full-Stack Developer

University Maranatha Christian Indonesia

Nanda Putri Ramadhani naandptr

University of Jambi Jambi

VerumQuaerite V1337Q
When one note is off, it eventually destroys the whole symphony.
Ya Sudahlah...

Di Lokasi

Fern Aerell Fern-Aerell
Software Engineer | Passionate about technology, driven by curiosity, and dedicated to crafting smart, efficient solutions.

@Leviano-Aerell-Indonesia Indonesia

Irfan Anshari irfanihbro
Full-Stack Dev & Network Engineer | Tech Enthusiast (Blockchain, Web3, AI/ML, Robotics, Cybersecurity)

Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia

Muh Masrukhin Ferdian MuhFerdian
a newbie

Nganjuk Nganjuk, Jawa Timur

raflyasliGalek RizqullahY
Full-stack developer with a stack of coffee cups. My code runs, but my patience runs faster. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V specialist since 2010


Rizqy Bagus Saputra sukimumuu
enjoying explore

@Hugo-studioo Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah

uapap Fakhrezy
part of earth

west java

M Muslim Abdul J muhmuslimabdulj
let's make the world better with OUR code.
ayakk Riee46
Information Technology²⁴
Yoga Bagas yogastama
Web Developer

- Dubai

Hi! I'm new here, exploring the world of code and loving the journey!

Pesantren PeTIK Bogor, Jawa Barat.

perompak_kode jimbonlemu
El código es el mapa, el conocimiento es el tesoro


Cipta Ciptaaaa
Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.

` Depok,Jawa Barat

Nipudin HapisHanipudin
just a student who love to learn programming

Depok, Jawa Barat