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Chockalingam Subramanian Chocks123
LinkedIn: Note: This account is recreated after losing an account with a set of repos, due to 2FA issues


Rodrigo RubioHaro
JS & Java Developer 💻 | Google Maps Expert 📍🗺️ | ESCOM | IPN

Customer Engineer at @eSourceCapital Mexico City

Naveen V. ForestCGuy

IRF, UQAT Quebec, Canada

Marco Fekry MarcoFekry
Multi-Cloud Architect \ Consultant 🌐| Cybersecurity Cloud Architect 🔒| Service Delivery Manager | RoboMate Cloud Automation Developer and Owner


Magnus Jurdal Magnus6803
Hi to the world

MJ Kontorsservice Johan Printz väg 18B

Software Engineer


Ko Nagase sanak

Georepublic Japan Japan, Kansai

Elliot Segler elliotsegler
Cloud guy @Akkodis

@akkodis-aws Perth, AU

Sandro De Sena sdesena
Geospatial Data Scientist | Remote Sensing | Geoprocessing

São Paulo - Brazil

Katrina katrinayfmei

Amazon Web Services

Keon Monroe kdmonroe
Geospatial Enthusiast

Philadelphia, PA

Nima Karimi kkarimi

@WeFindFlats London

maki makies

@yumemi Sapporo Hokkaido Japan

Pilmo Kang ivorycirrus
Prototyping Engineer

Amazon Web Services Seoul Korea

vishal vishalmhjn
Data science, data engineering on Cloud | mobility and transportation systems
Evan Boucher ejboucher
Experienced software engineer with a passion for learning.
Ulf Treger ut
Code, UX/Design, Maps

3+x Germany

Falcon hero138
Senior full-stack developer with years of experience using various kinds of development skills.
Khosbayar Khosbayar22
Full stack developer

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia



Jashanpreet Singh (json singh) jashanbhullar
Working towards building and contributing to open source and open data. Interested in geospatial data. Open to freelance work


Anwar jagwardo
Full stack developer


Brian Dyck bridyck
Developer for AWS.

AWS Austin

SUVAJIT DEY suvajitdey2000

The University of Burdwan Kharagpur

KotaYuhara wakame1367 Tokyo, Japan

Yasunori Kirimoto dayjournal
Geospatial Architect|AWS DevTools Hero|MapLibre Voting Member|OSGeo Charter Member|MapLibre User Group Japan | Amplify Japan User Group

MIERUNE Inc. / dayjournal Sapporo, Japan

Scott Bateman ScoBat
AWS Energy Digital Ops Principal Solutions Architect

AWS Houston, TX

ERBO shanerbo
Veni, vidi, vici

aws Vancouver