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Akira Shimodate shimodateakira
C# Open Source Developer

None Saitama, Japan

Changjiu Yang changjiuy
Computational Photography

hangzhou china

Kaiwen Fa kaiwenfa

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Jonathan Harrison Raiff1982
owner of @Raiffs-bits devops and video editing with a little crypto splash

Raiff's Bits Texas

cosmosdeng cosmosdeng
Tell us a bit about whatever

Planet Earth

Alston arkitoure
Circa 1993


Sergio Rojas hisergiorojas
Exploring the world of 3D Animation, Game Development, and open-source software, all powered by Linux. Content Editor

Seattle, WA

Sirasit sawetprom Shayen
/ Virtual Production Supervisor @ Real Bangkok / Pipeline Engineer @ Auraaz

Real Bangkok Digital Media Bangkok, Thailand

Siva Nagendra Savarapu siva-nagendra
Software Engineer

Sony Pictures Imageworks Vancouver, Canada

Nick Porcino meshula
Gamedev & Virtual Production // since 8 bit days 👾

Pixar Animation Studios Brigadoon

David Lai davidlatwe
VFX Production Pipeline Developer, and Troubleshooter. "It's all good, man"

@ragdollDynamics Taiwan, Taipei

Liam Collod MrLixm
French pixel tinkerer. Python software developer by work and VFX artist by the heart.

MikrosAnimation France

Sean Cooper scoopxyz
Colour Scientist

ARRI Munich, Germany

Leonardo Villa AngyIce
Game Dev

NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milan, Italy

pookzzz pookzzz
I am a FXTD, I work in movies, games, anything fun that catches my attention. I dabble in programming, art and simulations.

Bytedance, DeepMirror, NetEase Games, Lucasfilm Singapore, Singapore

Jan Genoe jangenoe

KULeuven and imec Belgium

Josh McKenna ag14spirit

@grace-bible College Station, Texas, USA