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Jaylen Wimbish jaylenw
President of @Linux4Hope. Former Software Engineer at @Lantronix. Currently, Systems Programmer at @CityOfLosAngeles.

@CityOfLosAngeles Los Angeles

Arnaud itsarnaud
20yo fullstack developer :)


Renato Oliveira roliveira3891
NodeJs / AdonisJS / Flutter / Mysql PHP


Efikas efikas

Efikas Technology

Aashish Nayak aashish-nayak
💻 I am a Full Stack Developer 🔥 | Who ❤️Loves to Building Things. TechStack : Laravel, Javascript, ReactJS & Vue.js;

AddWeb Solution Rajasthan, India

Vipul Basapati bvipul
Tech Enthusiast. Love to Learn by Doing. Backend Developer. NodeJS.

GoGroup Ahmedabad, India

Muftahuddeen Abba ultronDebugs
Software Developer

GeeksAxis Kaduna, Nigeria

Jb jb-mddln

Lille, France

yahassane Yahassane-learn
Disigne and Web Developper

Go My Code Dakar-Senegal

Bruno bhza
Programmer 💻 System Admin/DevOps 👷🏻‍♂️ Linux Server 🐧 Designer 🎨 Computer maintenance 👨🏻‍🔧 Network technician 🌐 IT Support 🧑🏻‍💻

Working from home and for privacy reasons prohibited by employment contract. 🔓 Cidade cinza, <Grande> São Paulo,Brasil, Terra, Via láctea, {universo: null} - Gray city, <Great> São Paulo, Brazil, Earth, Milky Way, {universe: null} .... ✴️ 🚀

Luke Household LHousehold
Product Management and Full-Stack Dev in the cybersecurity space

Toronto, Ontario

Othman devProgOussou
I write code

Akilee SA Dakar / Senegal

Alexey Poimtsev alec-c4

Asgard Technologies Warsaw, Poland / Yerevan, Armenia / Moscow, Russia

Dakota Brown DKBoston15
An impassioned developer interested in all things software with an incredible desire to learn!

Austin, TX

julien MtoMCreation

MtoM Création Montréal / Marseille

Harry Rigg harryrigg
Full Stack Dev - Studying Software Engineering at Curtin University

Perth, WA

Jurgen Hasmeta JurgenHasmeta22
🚀 Full Stack Dev | ⚛️ React/TS/Next | 🛠️ Node/Express/Fastify/Adonis | 💾 PostgreSQL | 🔄 Inertia/Edge/EJS

Tirana, Albania

Marco riotera

Rio Tera Ltda São Paulo

Maxime DERYCKE Derma6
   🇫🇷 Fullstack developer 👨🏻‍💻    Next.js - React Native (Expo) - Node.js

Beauvais, France

Muhammadiy Xamrakulov
Co-founder & CEO of Sombra
Luiz Witz luizwitz

Santa Cruz do Sul

Priyank pizcode
Full-Stack web developer


redcodemohammed redcodemohammed

@softpixels Iraq, Karbala

Super Metallic abrahimzaman360
Independent Dev ~ Nature Lover

@dragonailab360 Pakistan

Hadrien Lepoutre H-L
Freelance Front-end and React Developer -- Alumni @ecolehetic


Ryu Nakamura LearnProgrammingDev
meet lovalble

Freelancer Shibuya, Japan

Ben Emma benemmaofficial

InSpatial Labs Manchester, United Kingdom

Zin Myo Maung phoelapyae
Fullstack Developer

Bangkok, Thailand

Nassim n4ss1m
Full Stack Web Developer

Piteur Studio Algeria , Blida

Bluelupin Technologies bluelupin

Bluelupin Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Felipe Novoa novoamz
El estrés es como un pulso, si lo tienes estás vivo.

Morris & Opazo Los Angeles, Chile