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Shaz Kumar kumarshaswat
Web/app developer & UI/UX designer with a passion for designing and creating powerful, interactive media.
Evan Wright emw8105
BS/MS in CS @ UTD | Project Lead for ACM Development @ ACM UTD | Prev Full-Stack Intern @ Verizon

The University of Texas - Dallas Dallas, Texas

Md Ahnaf Al Zabir notzabir

The University of Texas at Dallas Dallas, Texas, United States

Hello! I am a passionate Computer science student eager to collaborate and contribute to giving back to the community.
Aakrist Godar AakristG
Python turtle and PyTorch appreciator. Machine learning is cool...


Prethel Alam prethelalam
CS student with the goal of becoming a software engineer.

Plano, TX

zain karim zainkarim
cs @ ut dallas

Dallas, TX

Jack Tambert Jackt5
Computer science student at Collin College

United Electronic Recycling Dallas, Texas

Ayaan Umair ThobesForBros
Neuro/SWE @ UTD: I post my projects here, both personal and professional.
Dalton Wright ClearBleu
JS Full Stack Web developer

ClearBleu Web Solutions Dallas, Texas

IsaacP IsaacPhilo
Student in the Hobson Wildenthal Honors College, Collegium V, and Accelerated Masters/Fast Track at UT Dallas. Former intern at LTIMindtree.
Jonathan Le MistahSanta
Hey, I'm Jonathan Le. I'm interested in the software and technology.
Lerich Osay LerichO
B.S. Computer Science | UT Dallas

The University of Texas at Dallas Dallas

Hafsa hfsasu
CS Student at UT Dallas


Sneha Nangunoori snehanangunoori
Hi! I am a CS major @ UT Dallas.

University of Texas at Dallas Dallas, Texas

Swayam Arora swayam528
CS Honors and Finance Student @ UT Dallas
James Han notJamesHan

Dallas, TX

Dan Nguyen ndan0
UTD Computer Engineering Honors Student

The University of Texas at Dallas Austin, Texas

Milan George milsgeo
Techie | Avid reader
Xiaolin Liu AisXiaolin
PhD student @KTH & NTU [email protected]

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan Stockholm, Sweden

utd cs '24 •ᴗ•

Dallas, TX

Pranav N pranavn21
Deloitte | UTD '24; Ex-Director of @ACM-Research

Tax Technology Consultant at Deloitte | Ex-SDE Intern @ Charles Schwab, Ex-IT Intern @ Brown & Brown Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex

Roman Hauksson RomanHauksson
Trying to make the future go well

Portland, Oregon

Shreyas Viswanathan SXV357
Purdue CS '26. Data-Driven Web Applications and Autonomous Systems enthusiast. Aspiring Computer Vision Engineer.

@Hack-the-Future Dallas, TX