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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Vishal Kumar kvishal07

Writesonic Bangalore

Dhruv Beclomethason
कौन इस घर की देख-भाल करे रोज़ इक चीज़ टूट जाती है


Crazy sacredAST
Software Engineer specialized in Generative AI, LLMs | Full Stack Development - Success behind Failure!

Self-Employee Remote

Piyush Joshi Piyush01-ui
M.Tech. CSE (Specialization in A.I. and M.L.) student at The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Rajasthan, India. Aspiring Data Scientist

The LNM Institute of Information Technology Jaipur

Sanyam Jain Sanyaam-MLWritesonic
AI AI AI Generative AI

Writesonic (YC S21) Remote

Bilal Afzal bilalafzal-ws
Full Stack Developer.

Writesonic Islamabad, Pakistan

Parth Chadha Itsme-Parth
Problem Solving | Student at Manipal University Jaipur

Yamunanagar | Jaipur

Superblue045 Superblue045
Success Is Where Preparation & Opportunity Meet.

[email protected]

David Dennison davidldennison
🎯SEO Mastermind | Content Marketing Wiz | Noob Developer🚀Combining SEO expertise, dev tools, and innovation to thrive at the crossroads of marketing and tech!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

Sreejith B sreejith1357
Diploma student passionate about software development. I love learning new technologies and building solutions through code.

Anchal, Kollam, Kerala, India

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Surendrasingh Sucharia surendrasinghs
Product & Solution Lead, EkStep | Lead Evangelist, Sunbird ( | Building @ONEST-Network

EkStep Bangalore, IN

Mahesh Budavarapu budavarapu
Engineer working on LTE/5G/AI Passionate on applying signal processing techniques to solve real world problems

Radisys India Private Limited India, Bangalore

Shubhankar Shandilya shubhankar-shandilya-india
React.js | Nextjs | C++ | Tailwind CSS | Redux | GIT | Github | Data Structures & Algorithms | Firebase

@sustainabilityeconomics India

Jakub Ziopulos hermes860
Guy who love Computer / Hacking and everything around.

Prague/ Czech Republic

Néstor Castanedo Ncastanedo
Innovation Expert | Director. Pioneer for the application of Blockchain Technologies

Eurotech / AET / BeDisruptive Madrid, Spain

Dan vonkohorn
Lifelong programmer. AI/ML focus since 1997. Now a VC.

Broom Ventures

Imon Roy unownone
Developer who loves tinkering with anything and everything.

@Mable-AI Kolkata, India

Shreyam Maity ShreyamMaity
Software Developer, Freelancer, GDSC NSEC App lead

@Writesonic India

Himanshu himanshu007-creator
SWE @Writesonic || @MLH-Fellowship '22 @jsx-eslint || @github campus expert || lead @dscdaviet | ᴍᴇɴᴛᴏʀ @anitab-org

@writesonic Punjab [ INDIA ]

Andriy Panchiy andriy-panchiy

Chromane Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Aniket Singh hymnjack
faith moves mountains
XxboraxX XxoraxX
Master Python


Samanyou Garg samanyougarg
💻Computer Scientist, 👨‍💻Developer, 🦸Indie Maker,💡Entrepreneur, YouTuber & AI Enthusiast

@gita Entire Cosmos