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ines ines901231

Klungkung, Bali, Indonesia

Dima dimkauzh
I'm a Game dev that loves creating games/programming. I know Go, Python, C/C++ and a little bit of Rust.

@vuelto-org Netherlands

Zayaan AR userandaname
Just your average out-of-the-ordinary GitHub user.

Working on @AtomLabss London, United Kingdom

Felipe Silveira felipe-silveira-dev
Full Stack Developer PHP | JS | Laravel | Tailwind

@Eduzz São Paulo, Brasil

Brad DeAngelis BradDeA
Just a silly little guy who likes to code sometimes
awcjack awcjack
Backend Developer & DevOps Engineer
銀河𣘃檜 Faecis
А сегодня что для завтра сделал я?
Kuan-Po Tseng brandboat
Or you can call me Cooper.

@SUSE Taiwan

One. LIJiongyi
A UG student in HK PolyU
K. Cihan Sipahi bcrtvkcs
computer's own mouse 🖱

KCS Software Istanbul

Nick Sieep-Coding
Building enterprise web, desktop, and command line apps.


lenville lenville
now at @qcraftai, ex DeepMap, ex Tencent

QCraft Beijing, China

Nedim Buro nedimburo
Software Engineering Student | Polytechnic Faculty, University of Zenica.

Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Jonathan Randall Juniorlcsss
Student at Lancaster University




bxt ywxweal
gorilla tag api is very exploitable
Mahesh Nair mashmn

Comcast New York

AnonymousPangolin nzoelle
Profile Pic by
Pawel Bartusiak uFloppyDisk
I make what inspires me

British Columbia, Canada

dreamyuki dreamyukii
nothing to see here
Juan Severiano Juan-Severiano
Sou um desenvolvedor apaixonado por criar soluções eficientes e inovadoras. Estou sempre buscando maneiras de melhorar meu código e deixá-los mais eficientes.

Bullean Technologys Amontada

Özgür Özbek ozgurozbek
I miss Battlerite. BSc. CompSci, MSc. PPM

Manchester, UK

NGUYEN HOAI THU, student at University, HNUE - Hanoi National University of Education

@sptd Pham Van Dong, Ha Noi

DewHunter DewHunter
I'm Jorge 👋 ex-AWS

Seattle, WA