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Med-Pharmacology 💊⚕️: Learning.... (not stopping anytime)

Posterity Inc. Remote

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Iris Catherine Mire irismire

University of Washington

Joyce Tongxin Cai JoyceCaiOcean
PhD Student in Physical Oceanography at UW

University of Washington Seattle, WA, US

Ekaterina Bashkova katenkoy
PhD student in glaciology

University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT

Hunter Lybbert hunter-lybbert
I will be completing my Masters in Applied and Computational Math from the University of Washington in June; actively seeking a data science role.
Krishna Pratap Sah krishnapratap07

University of Central Florida Florida

Abid Hussain Abid1266
A passionate Data Analyst with a keen interest in uncovering insights from data and using them to solve real-world problems.


Gökçe Yağmur Budak gokceyagmurbudak
Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg / Geomatics Eng. / EO Researcher

Würzburg / Germany

Javed Ali javedali99

University of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Jumpei Takami jutak0228
Python, MATLAB, JavaScript, Bash, GAMMA RS for SAR satellite data analysis, and AI/ML approach for satellite data.

UNOOSA Vienna, Austria

oriya oriyavilla

University of Washington Seattle, WA

Alanna M Hildebrandt alannahild

University of Washington

Clinton Alden clinton-alden
PhD Student at the University of Washington

Seattle, Washington

Eric Gagliano egagli

@uw-cryo Seattle, WA

amrit thapa amrit-thapa-2044
cryosphere researcher


Jian Kang jiankang1991
Associate Professor at Soochow University

Soochow University Suzhou

Jinghao Hu hujinghaoabcd
PhD student (GIS), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences beijing



Suraj Shah suraj081
PhD student-Drought!

University of New South Wales, Australia

Morgan Sanger sangermd

University of Washington Seattle, WA