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Abagiu Marian samcrow92 Craiova, România

Jack Mead jackmead515
Software, Data, and ML/AI Engineer

Hawaii, United States

Danny dkleine Berlin

Harry Rogers HarryTek
Senior Technical Product Manager Resideo Technologies, Inc.

@resideo Auckland, New Zealand

Manoj ghmanoj
Software Engineer
hemmingway hemmingway
I'm a freelance software and hardware consultant, based in Shanghai China, with a huge range of experience and wide skillset.

Shanghai Parais Graphics Technology Co.,Ltd. China

FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Seokchan (Steven) Yoo chansnotes
🕹 ChansNotes

Onegene Biotechnology

Raghunath Nagaraj RaghuTheFire
Hi I am Raghunath Nagaraj - My passion for technology, particularly in the realms of C/C++, Open CV, and Real-Time Operating Systems.


truong ngo tngocdt

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Michael Johnson MikeCCSSC

Columbus State University


TU Dortmund/Experimentelle Physik I Dortmund

kazu kazuyamagiwa
My recent interests and toolbox includes machine learning and image processing using python and ImageJ.
Idrees M Dexter575
Autonomous Systems Developer | Computational Scientist. Learning how to throw a computer at a problem.

Turing Intelligence @Turing-Sim Prague, Czech Republic

Laurent Bristiel laurentbristiel
Software Quality Engineer. Into Agile Testing, new technologies and entrepreneurship.

Prophesee Grenoble