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horyzen1 horyzen1
cybersecurity enthusiast | discord: @horyzen1 email: [email protected]

(insert robotics/uav company here) /home/horyzen1

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Yang Hau howjmay
Hope to be a teddy bear one day


Chinmay Burgul cmburgul

University of Delaware Newark, DE

Adebiyi Oluwatobi tobhoster
code + design | ⍞Born to express not to impress⍞ | ✈️ 💻 🙏🍷| Crossfit

@joatspace New York, NY

Zitong Zhan zitongzhan
3D Vision, PyTorch Contribution, and Robotics
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Karl J. Obermeyer karlobermeyer
Applied Mathematician | Software Engineer


零号方舟 yinjake

SM nanjing-CHINA

Sadegh Kalami Sadegh-Kalami
Ph.D. & MSc, BSc in Electrical Engineering. SFM/SLAM/3D Reconstruction Algorithm & Visual-Inertial Odometry Engineer

Iran University of Science and Technology