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Suvam Barui 0x4xel0rd
CS/CSEC Grad | Cybersecurity | CTFs
priv scriptprivate
trouble maker && problem solver
Networking + Cyber Security - Firewalls + Ethical Hacking & Penetration Testing Enthusiast


Security engineer trying to code
pasdepseudo pasdepseud0
Tech Enthusiast, I like to eat my code in spaghetti, just as I like to arrange my cables in spaghetti, perfect method to obfuscate and secure env. (i'm kidding)

n/a localisation: between two nodes

Cyber Threat Defence Center cybersecurity-dev
Cyber Security Solutions

KU Leuven - Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography Belgium



Hưng Hung-00

CMC Saigon, Vietnam

koderkbleeki Emmoloks
A software engineering student at ALX| Devoted Christian| Always ready to learn| AWS certified.
gl0bal01 💖 龴ↀ◡ↀ龴 gl0bal01
📚 Constant learner in the fields of application security, pen testing, Osint and human madness
Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

Arduino Aficionado ArduinoAficionado
Tinkerer, Maker, Hacker, Optimist.

Arduino Aficionado Detroit

Sean Coggeshall seancoggs
line by line, bit by bit

Jacksonville, FLorida

Analyzer1 Analyzer1x7000
DFIR | Blue Team | Malware RE


Frank E byfranke
Cyber Threat Intelligence | Offensive Security | Red Team

byfranke-sec Brazil

4nv35h its-me-anvesh-var
Expert in Data engineering, NLP Techniques and Security

UNC Charlotte

cend0l ZAiM21
dumb & clueless
Adiyat Mubarak Keda87
Technology Agnostic

@efishery Jakarta, Indonesia

Tech tycoon hariomsinghgithub
Leave a better future for coming generation.
Opadc Opadc
code is hard, i prefer for talk


Will Zywiec willzywiec
Keeping the keff < 1

@LLNL San Francisco, CA

Nicola Andrei-George Nico7777777
if you want to go fast, go alone if you want to go far, go along


Malware hunter