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Li Hang XPhaier
Chongqing University, school of automation

Chongqing University Chongqing

lug robolug
I am Robotics enthusiast.
mohan mohanbabi
Once a learner always a learner


Yash it5meyash
Programmer | Learner | Gamer
Ethan Holand eholandcmu
CMU MSR Student - Space Robotics

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

we3ew we3ew

若恋相亲APP 中国浙江杭州

Alex Karim El Adl alex-karim-eladl
Yale University Computer Science & Electrical Engineering
Mewada Yash yashmewada9618
Perception Engineer at Voyant Photonics

New York

Lisa Byrne libyrne
Northeastern University Computer and Electrical Engineering Student

Northeastern University

Shubham Gajjar Shubham07-bit
Hello, World!!


YOLO daxiongpro
Master, Computer Vision Engineer. Major in Pointcloud and Image deep learning. Working for ADAS perception now.


ali adeeb10abbas
Applied Scientist, @bdaiinstitute

@bdaiinstitute / @RiVeR-Lab Boston, MA

Giseop Kim gisbi-kim
Assistant Professor of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering, DGIST

DGIST Daegu, South Korea

Unver Akmandor akmandor
@RIVeR-Lab @( @(

Northeastern University Boston, Massachusetts

Jardel Dyonisio jardeldyonisio
Automation Engineer with a passion for robotics. Robotics Engineer @butia-bots and Navigation Developer @lognav4-0

@butia-bots and @lognav4-0 Rio Grande - RS

Moumita Paul paul-moumita

University of Maryland, College Park Chicago,IL

Adharsh Kandula AdharshKan42
CS @ NU, AI and Autonomous Navigation Research
Xinchao Song xinchaosong
Ph.D. Student in Robotics @Terascale-All-sensing-Research-Studio

Clarkson University Potsdam, NY, United States

Smruti Suresh smruti-s
Recently graduated with a Master of Science in Robotics. Have worked on projects based on Robotics, Embedded Systems, Computer Vision, and IoT.
High-resolution MEMS & Flash Solid State LiDAR

Vi LiDAR Co., Ltd. China