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Gizem Karslioglu Gizemu
EarthScope Consortium - Distributed Acoustic Sensing

Johns Hopkins University United States

HVG-Ninja's sagar-vaghela
My works: ✔ NextJs, ReactJS, Redux, NodeJs, NestJs, Prisma, ChatGPT, Mongo, Postgres ✔ JavaScript/TypeScript, GatsBy, Supabess ✔ API Integration,Responsive

Pune, India

Yang Xu SpikeMieMie
My name is Yang Xu. Master of Resources and Environment, Yunnan University. Research interests: Deep Learning and Climate Change.

Yunnan University South East Outer Ring Road, University Town, Chenggong District, Kunming, China

Samir Ranjan Parhi samirparhi-dev
Technologist | DevSecOps ♾️| Full Stack🚀 | Open-Source 🪷 | Learner ⎚ | Open For Social Cause 🤗

Individual India

Julien Emile-Geay CommonClimate
Climate Dynamicist and Open Science Evangelist

Los Angeles, CA

Angelo Varlotta varlottaang
Biologist. Interested in Applied ML and Responsible AI. Volunteer @ClimateMatchAcademy


jungwon choi midsphere98
Geology man

Kangwon National University

@EarthSystemDiagnostics Image: Alison R. Taylor (University of North Carolina Wilmington Microscopy Facility) - PLoS Biology, June 2011, Cover


Phil Kong philkongo
Graduate student at the University of Southern California

United States

Kevin Anchukaitis kanchukaitis
paleoclimatologist, dendrochronologist, climate scientist. Professor, University of Arizona.

University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona

Tamara Fletcher TheTams
Research Fellow in Neogene terrestrial palaeoecology and palaeoclimatology.

University of Adelaide Australia

Ronnakrit "Ronnie" Rattanasriampaipong PaleoLipidRR
NOAA Climate & Global Change Postdoctoral Fellow | Paleoceanographer | Ultra-distance runner | TAMU PhD Alum | Fulbright Alum | IODP Schlanger Alum

The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ

Brendan Meade brendanjmeade
Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences at Harvard University

Harvard University Cambridge, MA

Nick Hodgskin (🦎 Vecko) VeckoTheGecko

Utrecht University Utrecht, Netherlands

Maurycy Żarczyński mzarowka

University of Gdansk Gdansk, Poland

Victor Ribeiro Carreira VictorCarreira
Researcher working with scientific computing, modeling, and data science. Geology (2012). Master (2015) potencial/magnetotelluric. PhD (2021) AI/heuristic.

Universidade Federal do Acre Rio Branco - AC

Isabel Gonzalez gonzalezai
PhD student at the University of Arizona. Seeking to understand past tropical climate using tree rings.
PhD student @ Columbia University, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Ross Ong RossOng
Paleoclimate graduate student (Columbia-AMNH)

Columbia University New York, NY

Danny Vargas vargasdanny

Isotope Climatology and Environmental Research Centre, Institute for Nuclear Research (ATOMKI) Hungary

Deborah Khider khider

University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA

Shrimponthekeyboard zhengkai15
Let it be, just enjoy the moment, your life would be better.