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National University of Singapore

Manh Ha Hoang manhha1402
Vision, Robotics, Graphics, Embodied AI

NEURA Robotics Stuttgart, Germany

Zipeng Dai superboySB
Crazy Boy, from BIT

Beijing Institute of Technology China

Zewei Liu Nick-0814
Always stay positive and maintain an open and honest attitude.

Northeastern University(NEU) Shenyang, China

JeongEonLee LedersonLee
3D Vision & Robotics Lab

UNIST Ulsan, Korea

Fu Yiteng acaizhiyin
I am FU Yiteng, a student in Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community.

Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen

Michael Sun MichaelSun1001
Master of Communication Engineering, Research Interests:SLAM、Multi-Sensor Fusion、3D/4D Reconstruction、Autonomous Driving、E2E、LLM。 Email:[email protected]


Lehu Lee leihui6
A PhD student at Aarhus University.

AU, Denmark

R. He RonghaiHe
Master candidate@SYSU | Interested in robotics
Gilhwan Kang hwan0806
Robotics & SLAM Research Engineer

Robotics Lab, Hyundai Motor Company

HITSZ 研究牲一枚
Steven (Xiushi) Shen Xiushishen
Perception Software Engineer @ Autonomous Solutions, Inc. (ASI)

Autonomous Solutions, Inc. (ASI) Utah

Jiajing Lin JiajingLin
Student of xiamen university

xiamen university

Zhu Jun Mr-ZhuJun
I am a student. I enjoy playing table tennis and basketball, which help me stay active and teach me teamwork. I also love coding and am particularly interested.
Zhuoran Li LiZhuoran2003

Xi'an Jiaotong University

The_Hurricane Hurricane1224

Beijing China

Hi, I'm Tianlong Chen(ocero,樱花) Nice to meet you

Harbin No.4 High School HeilongJiang China

栾金鹿 luanjinlu
不要用自己的嘴干扰别人的日子, 不靠别人的脑子思考自己的人生, 脸上就会多一些从容淡定的微笑。

吉利汽车研究院 浙江杭州湾

orsl personal-fork-robot
I love robotics!


Zhang Weifan ZHANGwf9luis
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen Control Science and Engineering

Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen shenzhen

Sean TheSeanParker
A million not cool , a billion is cool!
