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Orhan Kaya orhankayawp
A Senior Designer and Motion Graphics Design Specialist with broad knowledge of design disciplines for Web, Mobile and Digital Materials. Experience with U
Vinicius Grando viniciusgrando
• E-commerce • CGI • WebGL

Agência Digital G2 Brasil

CrazyCode zhaocrazy

me shenzhen China

Kate 7xw
UI Designer and photographer

Guangzhou, China

Bin binz-i

Chinese Developer Shenzhen China

Best Codes The-Best-Codes
Christian, Coder, Creator... I'm a full-stack web developer. I'm currently obsessed with Next.js, TypeScript, and Rust.

BestCodes Earth

张先森-加勒比海带 zhangzhenzpt123


Son Thanh Dan sonthanhdan
Software Engineer

Ho Chi Minh City

Jeff Peck jpeckj
hacking from the dawn of time...
东方 dadongfang

招银云创 上海

无重力广场 zhaopufeng


Nora Meziani Nora1Meziani
Junior Frontend Developer
laughing miSunLaughing
Stand on the shoulders of giants

@renrenche-fe Beijing

小撸 fegg

蚂蚁金服 ChengDu

hojat hojat72elect
Software Developer in Toronto, Canada.🍁Passionate about all video games.😊 Nature lover. 🍂⛰️


Dimitris K dkoupats
From Greece. Actively interested in data science and web development.

Data Hermeneutics Greece

Sérgio Campos Silvério campos-sergio
DDD(Dollar Driven Developer) • Ruby on Rails developer • FastAPI developer • NestJS developer

Mamute TI Tech Caraguatatuba - SP, Brazil

Darian Benam BeardedFish
C#, C++, CI/CD, DevOps, Docker, HTL, Java, K8s, Linux, Playwright, PowerShell, SCSS, TypeScript

stan nesi stannesi
.: answer to the CRies of maNY :.

@nappycats Chicago, IL

Sherry_AB CodeConnoisseur74
@pybites Community Engagement & Content Creator / @Code-Institute-Org Full Stack Developer Student/Channel Lead

PyBites Sweden

Tami Olafunmiloye tamiolaf
I'm a Full Stack Engineer and JavaScript enthusiast

Block, Inc New York, NY

Alex Beckerman AlexBaldman
fullstack software engineer, web dev, constant learner w. a wide & eclectic range of interests/skills/experience

@100devs Sarasota-Bradenton, FL