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Evi Nova Tranquil-Flow
Solidity Dev & Auditor


Al Miller amiller68 New York

Mekail HashSlayer
Picking things up bit by bit. Breaking things down from token to transistors.

Ninit Denver, Colorado

Ivan P ivanvpan

Contractor Denver, CO

Kumar Akshat iaxat
Coder | Philosophy | Psychology | Travel | Music

Intel Corporation Hillsboro, Oregon

Harry Pray IV harryprayiv
Haskell, Nix, Plutus, Purescript; functional programming enthusiast

Cambridge, MA

Sayo wtfsayo
The ticker is $ai16z


Hudson Headley hudsonhrh
DAO Protocol Engineer currently working on Poa, the Perpetual Organization Architect


Trish niftish The future

Ibo bobi772

Cryptodash Indonesia

Ferran ferranrego

@vocdoni Decentralized

keysemails georgerobescu
"La mémoire poetique, jadis source infinite de jouissances, est devenue an arsénal inépuisable d'instrument de supplices"
Bertie bertiespell
A pragmatic optimist looking to use technology to make a positive impact on the world!