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Michele Bortolomeazzi MicheleBortol

Single-cell Open Lab, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany Heidelberg

Carol Willing willingc
Python core developer, PSF Fellow, Jupyter core developer, PyLadies mentor @python | @jupyter | @jupyterhub | @ipython | @nteract | @pysplash

Willing Consulting San Diego

Daniel Manrique-Castaño daniel-manrique
I am a neuroscientist, lecturer, and research data curation officer working to promote open and reproducible science.

Digital Research Alliance of Canada Québec, Canadá

Irina Mishneva falsednk
I am interested in data science for industry and medicine (CV projects).

Russia, Ekaterinburg

🔬 Trying to make microscopes smarter 🧫 Studying cellular signalling using optogenetics and microfabrication

Institute of Cell Biology University of Bern

Oleksandra Topcheva olekstop

PLID, TU Dresden Dresden, Germany

Alexandre Carisey alexcarisey
CMB/CPNDR Microscopy core director Cell & Molecular Biology Department St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Memphis, TN

Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Clement Caporal ClementCaporal
Yes, it's a LOBster buoy, because I do image analysis at the Laboratory of Optics and Bioscience (LOB) @LaboratoryOpticsBiosciences

@LaboratoryOpticsBiosciences Paris, France

Stephane Rigaud StRigaud
Bio-Image Analyst, Computer Scientist, and other stuff in "-ist", playing with GPUs, C++, and Python

Institut Pasteur, Paris Paris, France

Marie Anselmet marieanselmet
Data scientist specialised in image analysis

Institut Pasteur Paris

Morgan Hough m9h
Computational biophysicist

Center17 San Francisco, CA

Engineer and self-taught developer.


Mara Lampert marabuuu
Enthusiastic about Bio-image Analysis, Science Communication and Neuroscience

Data Science Center ScaDS.AI, Uni Leipzig Dresden, Germany

Alex Liberzon alexlib
Experimental fluid mechanics researcher trained as a mechanical engineer, who believes in open source and open science

Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv, Israel

Miriam_Barros Miriambarros

Universidad Andrés Bello Santiago, Chile

Zhengqi Huang Zhengqi-code
PhD student in LPS of ECNU.


Ludovic Charleux lcharleux

University of Savoie Mont Blanc Annecy, France

Shaurya Agarwal shauryashaurya
20+ years of cloud, big data, analytics, machine learning, consulting and tech leadership.

Bombay, India

Marcelo Zoccoler zoccoler
Bio-image and cellular biophysics researcher, open-source software developer
Matheus Farinaro Vesco matheusfvesco
Computer Vision researcher | Master's student @ Faculdade Israelita de Ciências da Saúde Albert Einstein (FICSAE) Member of @csbl-br

Computational Systems Biology Laboratory (CSBL) São Paulo - Brazil

Mauro Cafundó Morais mauroccm
Post-doc scientist, judoka, knowledge enthusiast, father, and husband. Not necessarily in this order.

Computational Systems Biology Laboratory (CSBL), Centro de Inovação da Universidade de São Paulo (INOVA-USP) São Paulo, Brasil

Guillermo Yáñez Feliú gyanezfeliu

Newcastle University Newcastle Upon Tyne

Diego jdieg0
DevOps, Research Software Engineering, Computational Biology, Data Science, Sensors, Chemistry

TUD Dresden University of Technology, CIDS – Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences Dresden, Germany

Judith Garcia-Gonzalez garciago-judith
Plant biologist with interest in Bioimage analysis. Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, CZ
Stefan Hahmann stefanhahmann
Computer scientist with a background in geoinformatics. Currently working in bio image analysis.

Cluster of Excellence "Physics of Life", TU Dresden Dresden, Germany

Peng A ashapeng
Image analysis for sub-cellular structure.
Divya Sitani Divya1205 (Not updated)

Bonn Germany