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Pawel Kawula kawel

KELECTRONICS Poland / Kraków

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

sibeov sibeov
HW-, FPGA-developer. Interests: - Design methodology - Verification - Automation - SW-HW-interface / interaction - DSP - Cryptography


Samuel Heinze mrCamelCase
CS major and software developer. TODO: Write an actual bio...

UNH InterOperability Laboratory New Hampshire

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Samantha sclise

Analog Devices Inc Albuquerque, NM

Daniel Lwnzhn
embedded and cloud real-time nerd, playing with cello/bass/mixing consoles

@dbaudio Germany

AlexKing阁下 NingbinWang
NetWork Developer & Embedded System Developer

Tuubu Educational Technology Co.,Ltd. hangzhou

Daejung Kim daejungkim
Software Engineer

LG Electronics Inc.

Matthijs van Duin mvduin

@dutchanddutch The Netherlands

Dom dom-liu
software developer


cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Daniel dnlzm
Creating loudspeaker systems. After two decades of automotive audio software and avb, nurturing TSN/Milan.

@dbaudio Backnang

WaitingDeng waitingdeng
Embedded Software Engineer, specialized in Linux/Arm Programming.

Advanced Technology Research Institute of China Xi'an/Shenzhen/Ningbo/Shanghai China