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Andrei Stefanie AndreiStefanie

@cyscale Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Pablo Alcantar Morales HiDAl

@AikidoSec Barcelona, Spain

Micah Breedlove druid628
Christian; Patriot; INFP; Dr Pepper & Unix evangelist; Software Architect; Outdoorsman; Polyglot

@BondForge Chattanooga, TN

Cyber Threat Defence Center cybersecurity-dev
Cyber Security Solutions

KU Leuven - Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography Belgium

Samuel kidk

@aikidosec the Netherlands

Stijn Taelemans lem-onade

@AikidoSec Ghent, Belgium

Justijn Depover justijndepover
Full stack developer @in2red

@in2red Belgium

Denys denys-potapov
Software dev for a long time. Now focus on security of code at @AikidoSec. Sceptical about where programming is going, so keep OnlyFans as an option

@AikidoSec Ukraine

Sem Provoost SemProvoost

@AikidoSec Ghent, Belgium

Bert Coppens Kemosabert

@AikidoSec Ghent, Belgium

Eric Sherrill ericsherrill-made4net
Just another DevOps Engineer

@Zethcon Chicago, IL

Kevin Marville Kvnbbg
Love beautiful design and subset of codes (also open source).

@bluesky-social France

Jorn Beyers jornbeyers
👋 Software engineer specialized in - Cloud (Azure) - DevOps (Azure DevOps, GitHub) - IaC (Terraform, Bicep) - Backend (.NET)



TFS Indonesia

Marco Fekry MarcoFekry
Multi-Cloud Architect \ Consultant 🌐| Cybersecurity Cloud Architect 🔒| Service Delivery Manager | RoboMate Cloud Automation Developer and Owner


Lex lexiddie

dLex Corporation Madripoor

Moamen Basel momenbasel
it's just works.


Sam Stepanyan securestep9
OWASP Global Board Member / OWASP London Chapter Leader (@owasplondon) with @kerberosmansour & @alezza

OWASP London Chapter London, UK

Stars trek Stars1233
I'm student . I don't know anything . 🤭
Pieter Van der Haegen vdhpieter
Working as engineering lead @bloomuporg!

@bloomuporg Leuven, Belgium

Timo Kössler timokoessler
Software Engineer @AikidoSec & Student

@AikidoSec Germany

BitterPanda bitterpanda63
When I wrote this code, only God and I understood what I did. Now only God knows.

@AikidoSec Ghent, Belgium