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Salvo Rapisarda salvorapi
"Sometimes it is the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine." (The Imitation Game)

Italy, Sicily, Catania

Tony Harris tonyarris
Pentester. AI enthusiast. MSc Comp Sci graduate @ University of York.

Milan, Italy

Silvio Bernardinello besil
I don't believe in coincidences

Milan, IT

Laura Bigoni LauraBigoni
Frontend developer @whip-live · Ex Boolean student class #52

@whip-live Arezzo


Siav S.p.A. Via Rossi, 5/n, 35030 Rubano (Padova)

Alex Coppola Supermonkey-design
Computational Designer for Additive Manufacturing


Francesco Del Re engineering87
Lead Execution Manager ■ Engineer in Computer Science (MSc) ■ Executive ■ Speaker ■ Microsoft Community & OpenSource

AlmavivA Spa Rome, Italy

Student in Engineering in Computer Science at Sapienza University of Rome, amateur pilot, hot peppers lover.
Michele D'Amico damikael
My first meeting with programming was when I was just a kid, on an old ZX Spectrum. Then I started to implement my life.

LinfaService @linfaservice

Francesco cfranc0

Somewhere in 🇪🇺